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Stocks-Mutual-Funds : Business & Finance
Quantitative Stock Market Analysis
Stock market analysis by professional and amateur investors alike is best done with a standardized and quantitative approach. Although some investors use qualitative approaches, serious investors use quantitative analysis methods, according to "Money and Markets" magazine. There are various statisti
Can I Deed My Land to Stay Within the Family & Not Be Sold?
A piece of land can be bought and sold multiple times. Oftentimes, the owner of a piece of property may wish to keep it in the family in the event of death or tragedy. A land owner has the right to transfer his interest in the property to another person. This act is usually completed with a quitclai
How to Edit a Stock Portfolio
Through effective stock portfolio management, it is possible to amass hundreds of thousands of dollars over the long term. As part of this wealth creation process, you must learn how to adjust and edit your stock portfolio on a regular basis. You should first list and prioritize your financial goals
Penny Stock Trading Software
Success in penny stock trading depends on selecting the right stock at the right time. If your stock selection is not proper then you may end up in a mess.
Bullish Argument for 2010 Stocks
The stock market's volatility for a number of years--including its collapse in 2008--has stymied many financial analysts. Optimism entering 2010 was very present, however, as evidenced by opinions at Merrill Lynch, the S&P and the website for "Barron's," a top financial publication.
Stock Options - The Greatest Wealth Building Tool Ever Invented
This article talks about a unique option trading approach that eliminates the so-called risk of "unlimited losses" in selling naked options. The trading system makes selling options a profitable investment vehicle that generates above average returns of 30 to 60 percent per year consistent
Online Trading Rules
Online trading rules are the same as traditional trading image by dinostock from Fotolia.comStock trading rules established by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Reserve Board apply to both online trading and more traditional trading through a broker...
3 Ways to Wrap it Up at a Bake Sale
Every bake sale needs a proper presentation plan that helps volunteers wrap and bag the goodies. Purchasing a few necessary supplies in advance of the sale will make the event run smoothly.
Hot Penny Stocks Of Fridays Session: Bork, Adxs, Lvvv, Cowi
BOURQUE INDTS INC (PINKSHEETS:BORK) has reported a restructuring and increase of the company’s Board of Directors and new interim CEO appointment.
Arranging Your Salsa Fundraising Campaign
Schools nowadays are often in need of funds or money in order for them to provide their students with the different classroom equipment and school facilities. A lot of school today do not have the luxury of having the budget at hand to afford these things which is why most of them are forming groups
Market Cycles Create Stock-Buying Opportunities
The stock market rotates through predictable cycles. Some of the cycles can be difficult on investors, but they also create bargains.
Making Money in the Stock Market With Dramatically Reduced Risk
If you invest in the stock market, then I'm sure you're well acquainted with the risks that come with it. Yes, the stock market can be very risky, especially if you do not know the in and outs of it. But that doesn't mean that you cannot start making money very quickly. There are cert
How to Buy British Stocks
U.S. investors looking for exposure to British stocks have several options, as the U.K. market is one of the easiest foreign markets for investors to gain access to. Fortunately, most of the choices are cost-effective and easy to execute.
How to Report Stock Options
Many companies award stock options as a way of providing compensation and incentives to valued employees. Stock options give you the right to buy company stock at a predetermined "strike price," although you aren't required to do so. If the stock goes up in value and you exercise the option, the dif
How to Check Mutual Fund Prices
Mutual funds hold a variety of securities that are actively managed by professionals. Though many mutual funds are available on the market, their performance can vary. By consistently checking mutual fund prices, you can determine the fund that is right for you. The price is represented as the net a
Double Stocks - The Product That Can Help You Make Thousands in Penny Stocks
My friend who is a day trader got me into penny stocks trading about 4 months ago.These stocks are great for beginners because you will not lose much money even if you do not make successful trades.And there are some who make a fortune off of trading penny stocks.It is much easier if you use a produ
Historical Stock Price by Date
On May 26, 1896, the Dow Jones company published its first industrial average of 12 representative and established U.S. companies, which closed at 40.94. Of the original 12 Dow components (later expanded to a group of 30) only General Electric remains a component in 2011, although several more of th
Nuclear Power Investing - Uranium Stocks Have Bright Future
Nuclear power is experiencing a resurgence in popularity as a result of increased public concern over fossil fuel energy sources. Uranium, a critical component in the process of nuclear power generation, is poised to rise in demand and deliver uranium investors solid potential returns.
When Is a Stock Actually Sold Through a Broker?
Brokers are licensed middlemen that connect individual investors with stock that can only be purchased by a licensed professional through an electronic trading platform or other system. Brokers handle most of the sales to small, individual investors. While plenty of brokers still make a living selli