Analysis of an Innovative Outpatient Acute Gynecology Clinic
Analysis of an Innovative Outpatient Acute Gynecology Clinic
The AGC is a reproducible model of care that can easily be transferred to the community if it is delivered by trained CSRH consultants. Relocating these services from hospital outpatient to the community (i.e. providing 'care closer to home') will improve patient choice, access and convenience by providing alternatives to hospital outpatient department attendance. Additionally, it will improve the efficiency of hospitals by managing patients in the community who do not require the resources of an acute hospital.
How Can the AGC Work in the Community and What Are the Benefits?
The AGC is a reproducible model of care that can easily be transferred to the community if it is delivered by trained CSRH consultants. Relocating these services from hospital outpatient to the community (i.e. providing 'care closer to home') will improve patient choice, access and convenience by providing alternatives to hospital outpatient department attendance. Additionally, it will improve the efficiency of hospitals by managing patients in the community who do not require the resources of an acute hospital.