Unhappiness, Get To The Bottom Of It
Many people live in emotionally screwed up lives. They eat too much because they are depressed, get into debt and they hate their jobs. These people are living very unhappy lives but they also seem to have no interest in changing. In this article I would like to try and bring this into the open.
Fear is one of the major influences on not being happy. Food is usually looked at to comfort bad feelings. People that are obese or overweight have usually been unhappy at some times in their lives. You see a nice juicy cheeseburger will never let you down like friends or family might. So eventually this food happiness takes over your life.
Clutter is always based on fear. You fear that you need something but you get scared when you can't have it. Clutter becomes so overwhelming in your mind that you end up using tons of unnecessary energy. So now that you have your mind fearing everything then you don't leave no room for the important things that you should be worried about.
Debt is really a big symptom of fear. It can be money spent for short term happiness to make you feel better or maybe you are just trying to keep up with the next guy instead of being happy with what you have. At this point you should be getting rid of your credit cards but you always think you better keep them for an emergency. In your mind it doesn't matter that they are all maxed out anyways and they can't be used. This is the fear of having to go without.
Then there is your job. You fear that you're not making enough money so you can't have the things you need. You fear if you quit you won't find another job. Of course you are scared that you will let your family down or you don't know what the people around you are going to say. Of course then there's the chance that you may be wasting your education.
All human suffering is pretty much based on fear. There are times that it's justified but at other times its usually just plain nonsense. Personally I would rather have less and be happy. Too many people go on through their lives having lots but never being happy. So I would just ask you to be happy with what you have and life would be that much easier.
Dale Mazurek
Fear is one of the major influences on not being happy. Food is usually looked at to comfort bad feelings. People that are obese or overweight have usually been unhappy at some times in their lives. You see a nice juicy cheeseburger will never let you down like friends or family might. So eventually this food happiness takes over your life.
Clutter is always based on fear. You fear that you need something but you get scared when you can't have it. Clutter becomes so overwhelming in your mind that you end up using tons of unnecessary energy. So now that you have your mind fearing everything then you don't leave no room for the important things that you should be worried about.
Debt is really a big symptom of fear. It can be money spent for short term happiness to make you feel better or maybe you are just trying to keep up with the next guy instead of being happy with what you have. At this point you should be getting rid of your credit cards but you always think you better keep them for an emergency. In your mind it doesn't matter that they are all maxed out anyways and they can't be used. This is the fear of having to go without.
Then there is your job. You fear that you're not making enough money so you can't have the things you need. You fear if you quit you won't find another job. Of course you are scared that you will let your family down or you don't know what the people around you are going to say. Of course then there's the chance that you may be wasting your education.
All human suffering is pretty much based on fear. There are times that it's justified but at other times its usually just plain nonsense. Personally I would rather have less and be happy. Too many people go on through their lives having lots but never being happy. So I would just ask you to be happy with what you have and life would be that much easier.
Dale Mazurek