Your Husband - Simple Golden Tips On How to Make Him Love You
One aspect to keep in mind is that men love the chase and the courtship period during the initial stages of a relationship. But once they actually get the woman they have been after, they tend to get aloof as though they got the prey they were after and are now seeking the next catch. Therefore, if you find your man in such a state of aloofness, you simply need to remind him about the time when you were not yet his and he was still wooing you. He will surely mend his ways...a relatively easy way to make him love you.
Linked with the above is also not being available to him at all times - just like the time he was chasing weren't always free and available whenever he wanted to see you, so why now? Take this opportunity of time away from him to do things you always wanted to do - maybe some Yoga or Dance classes or hitting the gym. This way he too will start longing for you and when the two of you meet, his love for you would be enriched.
In order to make him love you, you could also try playing some psychological games such as doing just the opposite of what he expects or assumes you to be doing. For instance, all men assume that their woman would be expecting absolute commitment from them and would feel insecure if their men do not follow through on their expectations. In order to actually make him love you more eventually, give your man the feeling that you will, in fact, be fine and manage even without him. Also, do not press him constantly for commitment. Sooner or later, you will find your man giving you extra attention and wooing you with all his might. He wants to prove to you and to himself that your existence does indeed depend on him being by your side.
Of course, do not overdo the above like flirting with other men to make him jealous, as that will actually turn him off. Simply play your cards right in a balanced manner and you will indeed find it easy by knowing how to make him love you.