The One Thing Sex Educators Are Not Telling You About Sexual Health
However, optimally I would say that it is best to stop masturbating completely and simply have sex with someone you care about.
The reason for this is because your body consists of a complex array of bio-electric energy, hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, biochemicals, nutrients, et al, (which we will henceforth refer to as "sexual energy" for brevity's sake) that all subsequently form together in harmony in order to power your sex drive.
Whenever you experience any sexual arousal, activity, and sexual release, (etc.
) all of these functions require enormous amounts of sexual energy.
When you masturbate, it throws some of these functions out of balance because you are not experiencing or utilizing the full range of sexual energy that flows through your body, and you are also not bonding with another person (which actually gives you BOTH more emotional energy).
Think about it.
Masturbation, obviously, feels different from sex.
It's simply not as powerful or intense or emotional, overall.
The reason for this is your body is actually very healthily balanced in its sexual energy distribution when you are having sex.
Masturbating, however, does not utilize as many functions.
So too much masturbation drains sexual energy and throws your bodily system out of balance.
Excessive sex and sexual release of any kind can also create a total drain on your bodily systems if you do not replenish yourself properly.
So it's important to take care of yourself in either case, whether your issue is over-masturbation or the phenomenon known as sexual exhaustion.
You can test this out very readily.
Masturbate numerous times in a row and invariably you will begin to feel tired, dizzy, drained, disoriented, and unable to focus.
This issue is common to all men, particularly over the age of 18.
This is because men's sexual peak is at age 17, after which point the rate of sexual energy production begins to decline.
However, the good news is that with proper personal care and the right combination of techniques to fit your mind and body, you can feel like you're at your sexual peak (or close to it) for the vast majority of your life span.
You'll also feel healthier overall which spills over into improving other areas of your life as well.
Do not worry.
You are not alone in this problem.
You can browse any sexual health forum on the Internet and find that sexual health problems are extraordinarily common.
The GOOD news is that you CAN solve this.
Go without masturbating for a while (at least 2 weeks, optimally 60-90 days) and you will actually feel energized because your body has had time to heal and replenish itself.
Notice how you feel, in fact, after just a few days.