5 Ways to Make Your Guy Jealous - Foolproof Tactics That Will Fire Him Up and Wake His Senses
Tactic #1: Love and pamper yourself.
If you have been sacrificing too much time for him, looking after his daily needs or spending every minute of your free time with him, its time to get out of that cycle and think about yourself too.
Make time to go to the gym, take up some hobby you enjoy, and relax with a spa or facial treat.
You can also declare some time off to go on a vacation with your girlfriends or just hang out with them doing girly activities.
When your guy realises that your life does not revolve around him only, he will feel that he is actually not a part of your life that you cannot do without.
If he is not around, you will still be able to have fun and you will still have people who love and care for you.
Tactic #2: Do something different out of the blue.
Probably he dislikes you in clothes that show more skin, as he is worried of the kind of attention you would get with other men and you have been playing along with his demands.
Why not get a few sexy pieces and surprise him by wearing them on your girl's night out? He will be dying to know where you are going and why you are wearing these out of a sudden.
If he gets angry, you have succeeded in making him jealous.
The trick is, get out of the house before you get into an argument with him and leave him wondering what you are up to.
Tactic #3: Flirt with his male friends or yours when he is around.
If you are both at a gathering where there are other friends around, give his male friends more attention than him.
Be very interested in what they are saying, laugh and chat with them like he never existed.
Give him some attention at times, but never any longer than the other guys in the room.
This will surely fire him up seeing why you have so much to talk about with other guys! Tactic #4: Pretend that you have a lot of extra attention recently.
You could be spending more time talking on the phone, staying up later on the PC and receiving more text messages on your phone.
When he tries to find out why you are suddenly so busy, try to avoid the subject to create some suspense.
Tactic #5: Be interested in a sport or class that he never thought you would be keen on.
You could suddenly pick up a sport that a male friend of yours introduced you to.
He would feel really uneasy about you attending classes and learning the sport together with your male friend.
You know that he is getting jealous if he suggests picking up the sport as well! It's definitely not out of interest.
All he just wants is to be around to check on you.
These are surefire ways to wake up your guy's senses and make him jealous.
If he shows signs of displeasure, at least you know that he does care about you!