Have You Ever Tried Counting Rice Grains
Have you ever tried counting rice grains? Do you know how many grains there are in a kilo of rice? Perhaps you don't know.
I didn't know about this either.
But lucky us...
we do not have to go through the excruciating process of counting these tiny rice grains.
A lot of people have already done that; we just have to "Google(TM)" around to know it.
:) Based on my research, there are approximately 36 thousand grains in a kilo of rice (medium sized ones).
You might be wondering, "Why talk about grain"? Well...
"Why not"? We can liken grain to human; they have so much in common.
To expound on this, I'll use the word "GRAIN" itself as my parallel point between grain and human.
I'll use G-R-A-I-N.
Five letters, five parallel points.
Here we go.
This is a given.
This is the first and foremost similarity or common denominator between grain and human, both were created by God.
No one would argue on this.
: ) Racial - This is not about discrimination.
It is about variety.
Grain, rice that is, is classified by variety.
There is Basmati rice, Thai rice, Jasmine rice and among others.
Same thing goes with human, we have variety; we have different races or nationalities.
We have Bahrainis, Filipinos, Indians, and Americans etc.
Based on wikianswers, there are more than 200 nationalities in the world...
that's variety for you! It is interesting to note as well that in both grain and human, hybrid varieties are now prevalent.
There are rice varieties that are a cross between two or more varieties.
In human, cross-nationality marriages are now very common and these types of union produce hybrid individuals, like Fil-Am, Fil-Canadian, Fil-Brit and among others..
Aging - Since both grain and human are living things, they both have life cycles.
From being seeds, both will go through a process called aging.
We also have to point out that like grain, human will be harvested at some undetermined future time.
Bad or useless grains are separated from the good ones; the same is true with human come judgment day.
Important - I cannot emphasize more the importance of human.
Human is an integral part of a family, organization, association, company, church etc.
Try to picture a family without a father, a company without an accountant; a Toastmasters club without a speaker...
it's hard to live by.
Our lives are inter-related.
Someone will always have a need for another.
It has been this way, and will always be.
The importance of grain was highlighted further when we had a worldwide rice shortage just very recently.
In the Philippines, we saw people lining up just to have an access to a cheaper rice alternative.
One way of gauging the importance of grain is to put value into it.
Before writing this article, I am only aware of the price per kilo of rice, which is currently pegged at around P 40.
But now, we have a divisor.
We know that there are approximately 36 thousand medium sized grains in a kilo.
Based on these data, the cost of a grain is .
001 centavo.
See, if one person wastes only 1 grain per day for 365 days; it is close to .
40 centavos per year.
Multiply that to our number of population which is currently at 88 million...
that's a whooping P 35 million worth of grains per year down the drain! Enough to feed thousands of families below poverty level.
What if a person wastes two grains? It's doubled! In reality we are wasting far more than these numbers, perhaps by the hundreds per person in a day.
And finally...
Nourishing - Grain by itself is nutritious.
It has a lot of vitamins and other nutrients a human body needs.
It is one of the most widely used staples in the world especially in Asian countries.
But grain, being alone, will not really provide the necessary nutrients.
A grain has to be with other grains to be beneficial to a human body.
That's why it is sold per kilo not per piece.
Human by himself is useful.
He can think, move and do a lot of things.
But just like grain, human can do more if he is united with other humans.
When we are one in heart and mind...
we can go places.
We can reach greater heights.
This is the best time to make a difference.
We are still relatively young and has the capacity to think and act on what we have thought or planned.
Let our lives be shining examples to our children, and to the community we live in.
We are like grains.
Let us form a kilo and be a nutrient to our core families, to our community, and to our country.
Keeping in mind that whatever we think, say or do...
everything should be for God's greater glory.
I didn't know about this either.
But lucky us...
we do not have to go through the excruciating process of counting these tiny rice grains.
A lot of people have already done that; we just have to "Google(TM)" around to know it.
:) Based on my research, there are approximately 36 thousand grains in a kilo of rice (medium sized ones).
You might be wondering, "Why talk about grain"? Well...
"Why not"? We can liken grain to human; they have so much in common.
To expound on this, I'll use the word "GRAIN" itself as my parallel point between grain and human.
I'll use G-R-A-I-N.
Five letters, five parallel points.
Here we go.
This is a given.
This is the first and foremost similarity or common denominator between grain and human, both were created by God.
No one would argue on this.
: ) Racial - This is not about discrimination.
It is about variety.
Grain, rice that is, is classified by variety.
There is Basmati rice, Thai rice, Jasmine rice and among others.
Same thing goes with human, we have variety; we have different races or nationalities.
We have Bahrainis, Filipinos, Indians, and Americans etc.
Based on wikianswers, there are more than 200 nationalities in the world...
that's variety for you! It is interesting to note as well that in both grain and human, hybrid varieties are now prevalent.
There are rice varieties that are a cross between two or more varieties.
In human, cross-nationality marriages are now very common and these types of union produce hybrid individuals, like Fil-Am, Fil-Canadian, Fil-Brit and among others..
Aging - Since both grain and human are living things, they both have life cycles.
From being seeds, both will go through a process called aging.
We also have to point out that like grain, human will be harvested at some undetermined future time.
Bad or useless grains are separated from the good ones; the same is true with human come judgment day.
Important - I cannot emphasize more the importance of human.
Human is an integral part of a family, organization, association, company, church etc.
Try to picture a family without a father, a company without an accountant; a Toastmasters club without a speaker...
it's hard to live by.
Our lives are inter-related.
Someone will always have a need for another.
It has been this way, and will always be.
The importance of grain was highlighted further when we had a worldwide rice shortage just very recently.
In the Philippines, we saw people lining up just to have an access to a cheaper rice alternative.
One way of gauging the importance of grain is to put value into it.
Before writing this article, I am only aware of the price per kilo of rice, which is currently pegged at around P 40.
But now, we have a divisor.
We know that there are approximately 36 thousand medium sized grains in a kilo.
Based on these data, the cost of a grain is .
001 centavo.
See, if one person wastes only 1 grain per day for 365 days; it is close to .
40 centavos per year.
Multiply that to our number of population which is currently at 88 million...
that's a whooping P 35 million worth of grains per year down the drain! Enough to feed thousands of families below poverty level.
What if a person wastes two grains? It's doubled! In reality we are wasting far more than these numbers, perhaps by the hundreds per person in a day.
And finally...
Nourishing - Grain by itself is nutritious.
It has a lot of vitamins and other nutrients a human body needs.
It is one of the most widely used staples in the world especially in Asian countries.
But grain, being alone, will not really provide the necessary nutrients.
A grain has to be with other grains to be beneficial to a human body.
That's why it is sold per kilo not per piece.
Human by himself is useful.
He can think, move and do a lot of things.
But just like grain, human can do more if he is united with other humans.
When we are one in heart and mind...
we can go places.
We can reach greater heights.
This is the best time to make a difference.
We are still relatively young and has the capacity to think and act on what we have thought or planned.
Let our lives be shining examples to our children, and to the community we live in.
We are like grains.
Let us form a kilo and be a nutrient to our core families, to our community, and to our country.
Keeping in mind that whatever we think, say or do...
everything should be for God's greater glory.