The Delusion of Always Wanting More
Programming- The word alone might instantly conjure up images of a scronny guy in glasses and suspenders in a dimly lit computer lab feverishly pounding away at a keyboard.
But all you have to do is take a good, long look at the reflective glass hanging above your bathroom sink to see programming at it's finest.
What is the first thing you do when you buy a dog? You train it.
Why? Because you want to impress upon your pet the "correct" way of doing things before it knows any better.
That way there is nothing for the dog to compare it's decisions to.
As far as it knows, there are no other options.
There are always other options.
And luckily for pet owners, your dog is not intelligent enough to figure out these options for themselves, and even if they were, "you never bite the hand that feeds you", in this case, literally.
Human beings, on the other hand, are programmed to continuously want more, and to have at least a slight level of dissatisfaction with what we do have, so that we keep working for more.
Who are we programmed by? The people who employ us (because the more we work for them, the more money they make) and the people who want us to buy their products from them.
And in some cases these people are one in the same.
To truly grasp the concept of what I am trying to get at here, we first need to look at the basics of human life.
What do we really need? For generations, life was about mere survival- Finding enough food for the day and maintaining shelter.
If these 2 needs were met, it didn't even cross anyone's mind 500 years ago that there was more.
The only way you would even know you were broke when you had 5 dollars is if someone else had 50.
When did basic needs in life change? When someone told us it did.
Compare what you have today to your ancestors- Abundances of clothing, lighting, heating & cooling systems in your home- These would have all been considered extreme luxuries just a couple of hundred years ago.
You can find any information you could possibly ever need by punching it into a search engine- Something unimaginable not that long ago.
Month long journeys by ship have been replaced by a few hours in an air conditioned plane being served beverages while watching your in-flight movie.
Very few people are happy with the amount of money they have.
We are always comparing what we have to someone who has more.
The idea of being dissatisfied with what you have is a complete delusion that affects society as a whole, and the only reason we aren't consciously aware of how delusional we are is because everyone around us suffers from the same delusion as well.
And it's not an accident.
We've been spoon-fed this reality by those in control through media outlets since their inception.
They've been programming us since we could walk, talk & hear to always want more, more, more.
The constant advertisements to have a bigger house and a better car than your neighbor.
The beauty products to make women look better and get an upper hand in obtaining a mate (or at least a good one).
The list goes on and on.
We've been programmed to never be happy with what we have.
This programming is not harmless.
People lose their entire lives being enslaved to this delusion, always trying to reach a plateau that will offer nothing more than a desire to reach an even higher one.
You will never be satisfied, because the problem was never in the plateau you were at to begin with, it was in your mindset.
You have to remove yourself from this mindset or you will be destroyed by it.
Once you realize the reality of your situation and shed the idea that you need more, you will have exactly what you need...
Just enough.
But all you have to do is take a good, long look at the reflective glass hanging above your bathroom sink to see programming at it's finest.
What is the first thing you do when you buy a dog? You train it.
Why? Because you want to impress upon your pet the "correct" way of doing things before it knows any better.
That way there is nothing for the dog to compare it's decisions to.
As far as it knows, there are no other options.
There are always other options.
And luckily for pet owners, your dog is not intelligent enough to figure out these options for themselves, and even if they were, "you never bite the hand that feeds you", in this case, literally.
Human beings, on the other hand, are programmed to continuously want more, and to have at least a slight level of dissatisfaction with what we do have, so that we keep working for more.
Who are we programmed by? The people who employ us (because the more we work for them, the more money they make) and the people who want us to buy their products from them.
And in some cases these people are one in the same.
To truly grasp the concept of what I am trying to get at here, we first need to look at the basics of human life.
What do we really need? For generations, life was about mere survival- Finding enough food for the day and maintaining shelter.
If these 2 needs were met, it didn't even cross anyone's mind 500 years ago that there was more.
The only way you would even know you were broke when you had 5 dollars is if someone else had 50.
When did basic needs in life change? When someone told us it did.
Compare what you have today to your ancestors- Abundances of clothing, lighting, heating & cooling systems in your home- These would have all been considered extreme luxuries just a couple of hundred years ago.
You can find any information you could possibly ever need by punching it into a search engine- Something unimaginable not that long ago.
Month long journeys by ship have been replaced by a few hours in an air conditioned plane being served beverages while watching your in-flight movie.
Very few people are happy with the amount of money they have.
We are always comparing what we have to someone who has more.
The idea of being dissatisfied with what you have is a complete delusion that affects society as a whole, and the only reason we aren't consciously aware of how delusional we are is because everyone around us suffers from the same delusion as well.
And it's not an accident.
We've been spoon-fed this reality by those in control through media outlets since their inception.
They've been programming us since we could walk, talk & hear to always want more, more, more.
The constant advertisements to have a bigger house and a better car than your neighbor.
The beauty products to make women look better and get an upper hand in obtaining a mate (or at least a good one).
The list goes on and on.
We've been programmed to never be happy with what we have.
This programming is not harmless.
People lose their entire lives being enslaved to this delusion, always trying to reach a plateau that will offer nothing more than a desire to reach an even higher one.
You will never be satisfied, because the problem was never in the plateau you were at to begin with, it was in your mindset.
You have to remove yourself from this mindset or you will be destroyed by it.
Once you realize the reality of your situation and shed the idea that you need more, you will have exactly what you need...
Just enough.