What Can I Do About a Concrete Porch That Has Cracks?
- If you are dealing with a small crack in your porch, a reinforced concrete patch compound may be sufficient to restore its appearance. Chisel out the cracked portion, and clean the area of any debris or dust. Apply bonding adhesive to the entire section to keep the patch material in place. Mix the patch compound according to the package's instructions, and use a trowel to press it into the cracked area. Be sure to smooth the compound so the entire surface is even when you are finished.
- Another option for small cracks in your porch is to disguise its appearance with a decorative treatment. If your porch features plain gray concrete, you can use a chemical stain to color the surface with a warm, rich color. Depending on the shade that you choose, you can often hide cracks and other surface imperfections with the stain. Another option is to engrave a decorative pattern in the concrete to conceal cracks. You can choose from a variety of designs, but a brick or stone pattern is typically the best for disguising cracks and flaws in the surface. For best results, pair engraving and staining techniques to double your efforts to mask the crack. However, before undertaking these improvements, check with a concrete professional to make sure that your porch is a candidate for these types of treatments.
- When your concrete porch has a substantial crack or series of cracks, patch compound and decorative treatments are usually not enough to repair or mask the damage. However, you do not necessarily need to rip out the entire porch and start from scratch. A concrete overlay allows you to resurface an existing porch so you have a smooth, attractive surface with no cracks or flaws. Overlays are available in a variety of thickness and designs, which allow you to customize the look of your porch. You can have your overlay stamped with a decorative pattern or stained in an attractive shade to transform the entryway of your home into a warm, welcoming space.
- In some instances, the cracks in your porch may be so large, deep or numerous that the surface is no longer structurally sound. If that is the case, you usually have no choice but to remove the existing porch and replace all of the concrete. Be sure to choose a reputable concrete professional for the job to ensure that the concrete is poured and cured correctly in order to avoid issues with cracks in the future.
Use Concrete Patch
Apply a Decorative Treatment
Add an Overlay
Replace Concrete