E-cigarettes - Not What Your Parents Were Smoking
The cigarettes that your parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents smoked are definitely not the same cigarettes that are being smoked today. Instead, electronic cigarettes have taken place of most real tobacco cigarettes, and according to some, its one of the best inventions thats been made within the last few years (although many arent aware that the first electronic cigarette was actually first invented in 1965, it just never took off, otherwise, your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents probably would have been smoking them instead.)
Of course, it just seemed fitting that electronic cigarettes came to fruition and gained popularity within the world we live in now, where everything is electronic it seems. Electronic cigarettes are so different from those old fashioned, outdated tobacco cigarettes in many ways. For one, what tobacco cigarette was ever refillable? Not a one, but electronic cigarettes are also available as refillable electronic cigarettes, and can be bought with e-cigarette refills.
As far as how electronic cigarettes work, its surprisingly simple. A refillable electronic cigarette is powered by a little, itsy bitsy battery that gives power juice to an atomizer, which in turn makes the cigarettes e-juice turn into a vapor that the smoker inhales, so basically smoking has become known as vaping. The little atomizer thats powered up by the that little battery also makes a water vapor that comes from the other end, so this eliminates dangerous second hand smoke and that smell that so many people find repulsive. Of course, the most important part of a refillable electronic cigarette is the e-juice, as its what makes the refillable electronic cigarette worth puffing on. This e-juice is what holds the nicotine and what provides flavor, taste, and strength to when you use e-cigarette refills.
E-cigarette refills are bought to place onto the electronic cigarettes once its out of e-juice and thus no longer provides the nicotine and flavor. Electronic cigarettes are available as either refillable electronic cigarettes or as disposable electronic cigarettes, in which the cartridge that holds the e-juice is simply tossed out once its been used up. Most people find that using e-cigarette refills are much more economical than having to buy disposable cigarette cartridges.
No matter whether one chooses refillable ones or not, theres no doubt that the cigarettes your parents grew up smoking are very different than what people are puffing on now.
Of course, it just seemed fitting that electronic cigarettes came to fruition and gained popularity within the world we live in now, where everything is electronic it seems. Electronic cigarettes are so different from those old fashioned, outdated tobacco cigarettes in many ways. For one, what tobacco cigarette was ever refillable? Not a one, but electronic cigarettes are also available as refillable electronic cigarettes, and can be bought with e-cigarette refills.
As far as how electronic cigarettes work, its surprisingly simple. A refillable electronic cigarette is powered by a little, itsy bitsy battery that gives power juice to an atomizer, which in turn makes the cigarettes e-juice turn into a vapor that the smoker inhales, so basically smoking has become known as vaping. The little atomizer thats powered up by the that little battery also makes a water vapor that comes from the other end, so this eliminates dangerous second hand smoke and that smell that so many people find repulsive. Of course, the most important part of a refillable electronic cigarette is the e-juice, as its what makes the refillable electronic cigarette worth puffing on. This e-juice is what holds the nicotine and what provides flavor, taste, and strength to when you use e-cigarette refills.
E-cigarette refills are bought to place onto the electronic cigarettes once its out of e-juice and thus no longer provides the nicotine and flavor. Electronic cigarettes are available as either refillable electronic cigarettes or as disposable electronic cigarettes, in which the cartridge that holds the e-juice is simply tossed out once its been used up. Most people find that using e-cigarette refills are much more economical than having to buy disposable cigarette cartridges.
No matter whether one chooses refillable ones or not, theres no doubt that the cigarettes your parents grew up smoking are very different than what people are puffing on now.