Summer Flowering White Bulbs
- Summer-flowering bulbs add visual punch to the perennial garden. Most summer-blooming bulbs thrive in full sun but need more pampering than their spring-blooming and hardier cousins. Typically, summer bulbs must be dug up and stored for winter and they require a rich, well-drained soil in order to provide the striking blossoms they are famous for. Summer-blooming bulbs produce flowers of nearly every color and there are many plants to choose from when looking for the perfect white blossom.
- Achimenes "Snow White" is a small bulb that produces a prolific mass of white, trumpet-shaped flowers. It requires some shade during the day and must be kept evenly moist.
- Calla lilys are a well-known white flower, famous for their showy bloom and thick, yellow stamen. As indicated by one of their common names, water arum, the calla lily thrives in wet, rich soil. Calla lilies are quite winter hardy, growing in the northeast and even Alaska.
- Dahlias come in several classes--a class indicates bloom size and style--including the diminutive mignon and the show-stopping pompon. They also come in a vast array of colors including pure white. Dahlias are not winter hardy and do not tolerate frost.
- Freesias are a very popular flower among florists because of their charming blossoms and sweet, fresh fragrance. Freesias are very sensitive to temperature and do not like too much fluctuation of hot and cold.
Calla Lily