Frugal Orchid Care

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    Requirements for Good Care

    • Some orchids enjoy bright light, but others require low light conditions and thrive under fluorescent grow lights. Most orchids require indirect, bright light to flower. Leaves that turn red, purple or pale yellow-green are getting too much sun. Those that become dark forest green need more sun. Orchids bloom at temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and survive at temperatures above 40 degrees. All orchids need humidity because they grow naturally in humid areas. Provide that humidity by filling an inexpensive tray with pebbles or gravel then filling with water so that the tops of the stones are not submerged. Place the orchid pot on top to ensure proper humidity levels as long as there is water in the tray that is not able to seep up into the pot. Never let orchids sit in water for a long period of time.


    • Water orchids when the medium feels dry to the touch. They prefer drying out a little bit between watering, but never let them be dry more than a day. Place pots in saucers of water, removing them after an hour. The medium takes in and stores more moisture by soaking than if you flood the pot. The extra expense of distilled water is not necessary. Instead, use tap water that has set out 24 hours in advance to let any chemicals in the water, like chlorine, evaporate before using. Orchids require more water in hot weather and prefer being watered in the morning so the center of the plant dries out by evening thus preventing rot. After flowering, orchids should not require as much water.


    • Fertilize growing and blooming orchids every one to two weeks. When it stops flowering, discontinue fertilization until it is time for it to bloom again. Special orchid fertilizer is expensive and unnecessary. Instead use a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer with 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 strength and dilute it to half or 1/4 strength. Apply it during a regular watering. Once a month flush the pot with water from the top to clear up any fertilizer or salt buildup.


    • Repot orchids every two to three years, from February to June, when roots look like they may burst the pot wide open. Do not use soil, but use orchid bark medium. Most orchids grow on trees and are used to growing on bark. Do not skimp on this medium as roots become damaged in soil. To repot, remove the plant from the old pot and rinse the roots with room temperature water to get rid of all old bark. Cut off any roots that are not plump and white and plant at the same level the orchid was in the previous pot.

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