Video: How to Tenderize Steak Before Cooking in a Pan
Video Transcript
I'm The Dirty Chef, Ian Russo. I'm going to show you how to tenderize a steak before cooking in a pan. By using this process, no matter what cut of meat, whether it's expensive or inexpensive, the steak's going to be delicious and juicy. It's a very simple process. I have saran wrap, I'm laying around the bottom; I have the steak right here, I'm putting saran wrap on top. And all we're going to do is take a meat tenderizer and pound it by using the side that has a bunch of, like these little bumps on it. This breaks the meat down a little bit so that when you're cooking it in the pan, it's a lot more tender. By using the plastic, it just keeps a barrier from the, the meat mallet to the meat, so it doesn't tear anything. And then what I'll do is just flip it over and do it on the other side so it's even. And you can kind of see, it looks like it's actually getting tender and all I did is really break down the cells so that the meat cooks a little more even and it's juicy.