How to Attract Girls - Don"t Be Too Nice!
" From a girl you were friends with, and tried to take it to the next level or be romantic with.
When you heard this you probably thought to yourself"That is such bull, you are suppose to be friends with the person you are dating.
" And you are 100% right.
In addition women want to be with a man that is going to treat her well.
You could have been that man but you blew it because you were too nice.
However this is a very common mistake and everyone man has made it.
The problem is when you act this way it is often seen as pathetic, wimpy, and insecure.
Women do not want to be with a man that displays these characteristics.
Instead they are looking to be with confident, secure, strong, and independent men.
You can portray this and avoid being seen as too nice by; 1.
When meeting women do not give her any compliments.
Do not hold the door open for her 3.
Go out of your way to tease or make fun (when and where appropriate) 4.
Don't always "be there" 5.
Take it to the "next level or get romantic" before you can get categorized as too good of a friend.
Don't take this the wrong way because I am by no means suggesting you treat women poorly.
However when you are seen as too nice it often kills any potential interest.
Instead you should focus your effort on the conversation and your interaction with her to create attraction.