How to Shorten a Tablecloth
- 1). Spread the tablecloth over the top of the table. Smooth out any wrinkles in the tablecloth to make sure your measurements will be accurate.
- 2). Decide how much you want to shorten the tablecloth. For a round tablecloth, you’ll want to shorten it the same amount all the way around. For a square or rectangular tablecloth, you may want just one to shorten one or two sides. For example, if your rectangular tablecloth is the right length but 6 inches too wide, you can save sewing time by removing 6 inches from one side rather than 3 inches from both sides.
- 3). Subtract 1 inch from the amount you want to shorten the tablecloth. For example, if you want the tablecloth 6 inches shorter, only remove 5 inches. The other inch will be needed for the hem.
- 4). Measure this amount from the edge of the tablecloth on the side(s) you want to shorten. Mark this measurement with pins.
- 5). Cut off this amount from the bottom edge of the tablecloth on the side(s) you want to shorten, using the pins as a guide.
- 6). Turn the cut edge over 1/2 inch toward the underside of the tablecloth. Press the fold, then turn it over another 1/2 inch and press the fold again.
- 7). Pin the folded edge in place, then stitch along the folded edge using matching thread.