The Cultivation of Anthurium
- Anthuriums require bright light; no direct sunlight. Place them in a sunny window or grow them under high output fluorescent light bulbs.
- Anthuriums like conditions on the warm side, growing best in 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Plants do well when the temperature stays steady and fluctuates no more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Plant anthuriums in a porous, well-draining soil, such as African violet mix.
- Anthuriums need to dry out some between waterings or they can experience root rot. Don't let them dry out completely, however, as drought causes brown leaf tips.
- Feed anthuriums with a water-soluble, high phosphorus plant food every six weeks from spring through summer. Apply a well-balanced fertilizer every six weeks in the fall and winter months.
- As tropical plants, anthuriums do best with some extra humidity. Grouping anthuriums with other plants tends to create a more humid environment. Place the plants on humidity trays consisting of pebbles and a 1/2-inch layer of water.
Soil Requirements