How to Harden Powder Blush That Was Dropped and Cracked
- 1). Gather all of the broken blush pieces in the base of its original container. Ensure that each piece is clean. Lay them flat across the surface.
- 2). Drip three drops of rubbing alcohol into the container. You will see the liquid be absorbed by the power, and the blush will become soft.
- 3). Lightly wrap a piece of saran wrap over your index finger. This will prevent oils from your skin seeping into the makeup as you reshape it.
- 4). Use your wrapped finger to swirl and move the blush pieces around the container. The powder will have absorbed the alcohol and become a paste. If it's not paste-like, add another drop of alcohol and repeat the process.
- 5). Spread the paste evenly across the surface of the blush container. Smooth out the blush until there aren't any lumps and it's all an even consistency. Use the back of a spoon to further smooth out the blush and give it a like-new look.
- 6). Let the blush container and the paste inside sit overnight or until the blush is completely dry. The alcohol will evaporate, leaving you with a solid block of powder blush in the container that's ready to use.