Do I Need Cantor for My Catholic Wedding?
A Catholic wedding is typically supported by several musicians. These can include a soloist who sings while the congregation is praying, a choir who leads the assembly in singing and instrumentalists who accompany the church singers or provide background music during prayers and liturgical services.
All of these various musicians are not required for the marriage ceremony, but if you are planning to have a full-length formal mass, you will need to hire an organist and a cantor, at a minimum.
A trained cantor with experience in leading church weddings typically costs $100 to $250.
The cantor can fill several roles, including serving as the director of the choir, but the primary one is to sing the parts of the Mass and lead the congregation in singing the refrains, such as those in the Ava Maria and Lord's Prayer. They are also responsible for singing the Psalm in between the first and second readings, the Alleluia and the Communion hymn as well as leading the Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, the Great Amen and the Lamb of God.
Although the cantor is not meant to serve as a substitute for the soloist, this person might be able to provide solos during the unity ceremony, the preparation and presentation of the gifts and the devotional of flowers to the Blessed Mary.
Choosing a Cantor
Depending on the size of your parish, there may only be one cantor available or you may have several options to choose from. Your church's music director will be able to make recommendations. Like any other wedding vendor, you should vet the cantor to make sure their vocal quality and presence match the mood of your marriage ceremony.
You want someone who is warm and energetic, who has a powerful voice and who feels comfortable leading the congregation.
In addition to meeting with them in person, you should have the opportunity to hear them sing and watch them perform in church, either at a Sunday Mass or at another wedding. If this is not possible, request a demo of their recordings.
While most cantors can fulfill the requests of most liturgical hymns, not every musical selection will be within their key range. Work closely with your cantor to select the sheet music to ensure the songs fall within their repertoire. Catholicism is extremely strict about the type of music that can be played during the Rite of Marriage, so it is necessary for you to consult the cantor and music director. For example, most parishes have moral objections to the traditional wedding marches that are played during secular weddings.
When the Cantor Will Sing at Your Wedding
The cantor will be called upon to sing parts of the Mass, breaking up the monotony of the spoken parts. They most commonly step in:
- After the processional music to lead the gathering song (optional).
- Following the opening prayer and First Reading to sing the Responsorial Psalm.
- To lead the Gospel Acclamation.
- During the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
- After the Concluding Rites and presentation of the couple to bestow the Nuptial Blessing.