How to Write a Good Love Letter
Before you sit down to write a love letter, go and get yourself nice stationery that you will use. Get your self a black nice pen and a nice writing pad. Make sure you also have an ordinary looking paper where you can make your first draft and all you cancellation. The final one which should be in the nice writing pad and should be perfect. There should be no cancellation. The ordinary looking paper is where you can do all the cancellations you want. Get a writing pad that is of a neutral color, one that is not overly decorated and will divert your partners attention from the wording in the letter to the pattern of the writing pad. If it does, then the loving words you put down will be barely noticed.
You will need to put a date on the letter. This includes the day, month and the year. This is generally for reference. You are writing a love letter so avoid being formal like Dear Miriam. As much as you would think it would sound better, it wont. Try writing something like my Dearest Miriam, or My lovely girl. Make their heart beat fast from the moment they start reading the letter to the minute they finish. Use a lot of pet names that you have for each other and loving words like angle, honey, sweet pie. You can even get creative and call her or him a name you have never called her before.
When writing the letter, put what you are feeling into words. Put them down the best way you know how. Tell your mate the reason why you still love and why they make you so happy. You can never go wrong with this. Do not admit in your letter that you can barely say what want to say because you do not know hoe. If you must say this because you feel you do not know how to put your feelings down then do so in a very creative way. Never end a love letter in a formal way. It is almost a crime to do this. Yours faithfully must never feature in a love letter. Find something nice and personal, something loving and creative.