YOUR World Is the Way You MAKE IT
How's the world today? Is it a great day? Is it going to be a bad day? The answer is: The world today is the way you are MAKING IT out to be today.
Realize that nothing objective is inherently great or bad.
The perceiver's thoughts, ideas, about the object is what MAKES IT what it APPEARS TO BE.
Everyone's world is the way they are MAKING IT.
What does this truly imply? Am I then responsible for everything that happens to me both good and bad? Yes and No.
Yes, if you are understanding this principle correctly, and no if you are not.
First let's start off with what this is not.
This is not some magical thinking course where I am saying that your thoughts will manifest the things you want and don't want for yourself.
I am not saying that you have wanted to manifest the negative things in your life from your thoughts.
I am not saying that you chose to be a victim.
I am not saying that you "attracted" some dear one's death in order to elevate to a higher place.
Do you get the trend of this? This is not about saying that you chose the actual events that happened to you.
But in another sense.
This is exactly what I am saying.
You choose everything moment to moment because EVERYTHING in your experience is simply that: YOUR EXPERIENCE.
Now we will have to look at the components that comprise your experience.
First there is the sensation of the experience.
This is something only you can feel.
These are physiological feelings that are simultaneously in the body.
A gut reaction due to certain conditioning you had in your life and which you are un-awaringly choosing to play out.
The reason I say un-awaringly choosing is that you are still choosing at some level, but you are unaware that there is a choice in the matter.
We will get to this point later on.
So there are sensations that you and only you can feel.
No one has any clue as to the physical sensations that you are currently feeling.
The next component of experience is the thoughts that go on during any experience.
Be aware of this right now.
There are thoughts that are going through your mind right now.
Maybe analyzing or even judging as to whether what I am saying is correct or wrong.
This is going on automatically although you think you are doing it.
One test to see whether you really are doing it is to make it stop for 60 seconds.
If you are doing it, you can definitely stop it.
Now you may have realized one thing, these thoughts are not stoppable.
You can't stop or start them.
But you do have an option as to whether you will be identified with them or not.
This is also something that we will come to later.
So we have spoken of two components, your sensations and your thoughts.
These are judging thoughts, normal thoughts, analyzing thoughts, opinions, beliefs, ideas, assumptions etc..
There is one component that is the key to your experience and is so close to what you truly are, that you might not even have recognized it as a component, and that is your awareness.
These sensations and thoughts are taking place within awareness.
Without awareness, as in when you have fainted or when you are in deep sleep, thoughts and feelings are unnoticeable.
So these are the 3 key components of any experience that you have or will ever have.
Now let's go into each one in detail to see if any of these three components can be altered so that we have a change of experience.
Let's start with awareness.
Awareness is simply what it is.
It is the ever present space in which all feelings, thoughts, and perceptions arise.
There is nothing to change in awareness itself as it is the space in which all change is perceived and allowed.
Sensations are simply physiological reactions that are felt.
What are they reactions to? To the thoughts.
Picture this scenario.
You are in a dark room and see something long on the ground.
In the darkness, you can't tell, but you feel it is coming towards you.
It is a snake! Your heart pounds in your chest, you can feel the throbbing and the increased pressure of blood circulation all over your body.
Your stomach has dropped.
Your throat has dried up.
Your hands become clammy.
You feel a slight faint coming on.
Then someone switches on the light.
It is a rope.
It takes a while, but your heart beat slows down.
Your vital signs come back to normal.
Your throat feels fine again.
Your hands and shaking of the body has decreased and finally comes to a stillness.
What has happened? Your physiological sensations were simply reactions to your thoughts.
"It's a snake" is a thought that, if you are conditioned to be afraid of snakes, will create these reactions in you.
"It's only a rope" is another thought.
Suddenly the reactions lose their power over time and you are relaxed again.
This is the power of thought.
It is your thoughts which causes everything.
Now I'd like to be very careful when I say such a statement because it is easy to take this statement out of context.
I am not saying that your thoughts will transform into things, but I'm not denying it either.
Your physical sensations are objective things for you.
You can sense them.
These can also be measured with an EKG machine and seen objectively by others that changes in your physiological system are occurring.
Your thoughts can change your body's reactions.
This was seen in the above example.
But when I say your thoughts will not transform into things, I mean that thinking and wishing for a million dollars is not going to make it appear on your doorstep.
Now that I have got that out of the way, let's get to the crux of the true creative power of thought.
When I say that your thoughts cause everything, I have to now define what "everything" means.
Everything refers to all that is perceivable in your awareness.
Now this might sound weird and you might be saying (realize that I am MAKING IT that you feel that this sounds weird because the truth is you might not be finding any of this weird at all!) "Am I MAKING IT ALL with my thoughts? Everything that I have in front of me?" Yes.
And this is why: You have given everything in front of you the meaning that it has for you.
Whether you were taught to give it the meaning it has or whether you chose to give it the meaning that it has, you did it! The things by themselves are not what they are until you MAKE IT what they are! Events by themselves are not what they are until you choose to MAKE THEM what they are! Interactions with people by themselves are not what they are until you MAKE THEM into what they are for you! YOU MAKE IT.
Now, since we are clear that YOU MAKE IT.
It also becomes clear that there is no one to blame for the way things are for you since you have MADE THEM appear as what they are to you right now.
Realize that nothing objective is inherently great or bad.
The perceiver's thoughts, ideas, about the object is what MAKES IT what it APPEARS TO BE.
Everyone's world is the way they are MAKING IT.
What does this truly imply? Am I then responsible for everything that happens to me both good and bad? Yes and No.
Yes, if you are understanding this principle correctly, and no if you are not.
First let's start off with what this is not.
This is not some magical thinking course where I am saying that your thoughts will manifest the things you want and don't want for yourself.
I am not saying that you have wanted to manifest the negative things in your life from your thoughts.
I am not saying that you chose to be a victim.
I am not saying that you "attracted" some dear one's death in order to elevate to a higher place.
Do you get the trend of this? This is not about saying that you chose the actual events that happened to you.
But in another sense.
This is exactly what I am saying.
You choose everything moment to moment because EVERYTHING in your experience is simply that: YOUR EXPERIENCE.
Now we will have to look at the components that comprise your experience.
First there is the sensation of the experience.
This is something only you can feel.
These are physiological feelings that are simultaneously in the body.
A gut reaction due to certain conditioning you had in your life and which you are un-awaringly choosing to play out.
The reason I say un-awaringly choosing is that you are still choosing at some level, but you are unaware that there is a choice in the matter.
We will get to this point later on.
So there are sensations that you and only you can feel.
No one has any clue as to the physical sensations that you are currently feeling.
The next component of experience is the thoughts that go on during any experience.
Be aware of this right now.
There are thoughts that are going through your mind right now.
Maybe analyzing or even judging as to whether what I am saying is correct or wrong.
This is going on automatically although you think you are doing it.
One test to see whether you really are doing it is to make it stop for 60 seconds.
If you are doing it, you can definitely stop it.
Now you may have realized one thing, these thoughts are not stoppable.
You can't stop or start them.
But you do have an option as to whether you will be identified with them or not.
This is also something that we will come to later.
So we have spoken of two components, your sensations and your thoughts.
These are judging thoughts, normal thoughts, analyzing thoughts, opinions, beliefs, ideas, assumptions etc..
There is one component that is the key to your experience and is so close to what you truly are, that you might not even have recognized it as a component, and that is your awareness.
These sensations and thoughts are taking place within awareness.
Without awareness, as in when you have fainted or when you are in deep sleep, thoughts and feelings are unnoticeable.
So these are the 3 key components of any experience that you have or will ever have.
Now let's go into each one in detail to see if any of these three components can be altered so that we have a change of experience.
Let's start with awareness.
Awareness is simply what it is.
It is the ever present space in which all feelings, thoughts, and perceptions arise.
There is nothing to change in awareness itself as it is the space in which all change is perceived and allowed.
Sensations are simply physiological reactions that are felt.
What are they reactions to? To the thoughts.
Picture this scenario.
You are in a dark room and see something long on the ground.
In the darkness, you can't tell, but you feel it is coming towards you.
It is a snake! Your heart pounds in your chest, you can feel the throbbing and the increased pressure of blood circulation all over your body.
Your stomach has dropped.
Your throat has dried up.
Your hands become clammy.
You feel a slight faint coming on.
Then someone switches on the light.
It is a rope.
It takes a while, but your heart beat slows down.
Your vital signs come back to normal.
Your throat feels fine again.
Your hands and shaking of the body has decreased and finally comes to a stillness.
What has happened? Your physiological sensations were simply reactions to your thoughts.
"It's a snake" is a thought that, if you are conditioned to be afraid of snakes, will create these reactions in you.
"It's only a rope" is another thought.
Suddenly the reactions lose their power over time and you are relaxed again.
This is the power of thought.
It is your thoughts which causes everything.
Now I'd like to be very careful when I say such a statement because it is easy to take this statement out of context.
I am not saying that your thoughts will transform into things, but I'm not denying it either.
Your physical sensations are objective things for you.
You can sense them.
These can also be measured with an EKG machine and seen objectively by others that changes in your physiological system are occurring.
Your thoughts can change your body's reactions.
This was seen in the above example.
But when I say your thoughts will not transform into things, I mean that thinking and wishing for a million dollars is not going to make it appear on your doorstep.
Now that I have got that out of the way, let's get to the crux of the true creative power of thought.
When I say that your thoughts cause everything, I have to now define what "everything" means.
Everything refers to all that is perceivable in your awareness.
Now this might sound weird and you might be saying (realize that I am MAKING IT that you feel that this sounds weird because the truth is you might not be finding any of this weird at all!) "Am I MAKING IT ALL with my thoughts? Everything that I have in front of me?" Yes.
And this is why: You have given everything in front of you the meaning that it has for you.
Whether you were taught to give it the meaning it has or whether you chose to give it the meaning that it has, you did it! The things by themselves are not what they are until you MAKE IT what they are! Events by themselves are not what they are until you choose to MAKE THEM what they are! Interactions with people by themselves are not what they are until you MAKE THEM into what they are for you! YOU MAKE IT.
Now, since we are clear that YOU MAKE IT.
It also becomes clear that there is no one to blame for the way things are for you since you have MADE THEM appear as what they are to you right now.