Finger Painting Activities for Kids
- Pudding provides a finger painting medium for even the smallest artists. Prepare the pudding as directed on the package. Use different flavors of pudding to create different colors. Add a few drops of food coloring to vanilla pudding to create other colors. Kids can use the pudding finger paint to create artwork and as a snack.
Light corn syrup serves as the base for another edible finger paint option. Pour the desired amount of light corn syrup in a bowl. Add a few drops of liquid food coloring to the corn syrup. Stir the mixture until the color is spread throughout the syrup. Use the syrup paint as you would regular finger paint.
Baby food or other pureed foods can also be used as finger paints. Choose foods that naturally have different colors to create a colorful piece of art. - Washable finger paint for windows is easy to make and just as easy to clean up. Simply add one part tempera paint to two parts liquid dish soap. Mix the paint thoroughly. Allow your child to use the washable finger paint on any window or mirror. When you are ready to remove the artwork, use a damp cloth to wash away the paint. Always test the paint on a small area first.
- Whipped cream offers an alternative to traditional finger paints for children. It can be used on mirrors or windows to create works of art. The whipped cream is easily rinsed off with water and is edible, making it safe for young children. Shaving cream has a similar texture and may be used with older children.
- Choose an area that won't be damaged if the finger painting gets messy. Put newspaper or a large piece of plastic over the surface before beginning the project. Remove your child's clothes or put a paint smock on him before he begins painting. Keep paper towels or wet wipes handy for a quick clean up.
Edible Finger Paints
Window Finger Paints
Whipped Cream Finger Paints
Reducing the Mess