Porn and intelligence
Porn addicts engage themselves into porn each day, possibly for many hours. The brain's pre-frontal cortex, which is responsible for planning, organising and calculating to achieve better self-control, judgement and analysing capabilities, is idle when when one watch porn. Prolonged porn watching for months can result reduction in its development. Reduction in its development means one becomes mentally weak. This creates attention deficit disorder and behavioural problems.
Habits create a particular circuitry in the brain (Brain acts like a scheduled system) . Porn addict is a person of porn habits. (Most of the porn addicts are habitual porn addicts, they just move on to porn unconsciously, this is the base of their addiction). As a told earlier, habits creates neural pathways. Porn habits ‘idle's the pre-frontal cortex so the growth of neural connections in that part get affected. This reduces the development of much needed mental qualities like planning, organising and analysing.
Neuroscientists also found that an atmosphere of good care and love and warmth helps the brain to grow constructively, this is why psychiatrist counselling centres give a mood of care and affection to mental patients to help them to get out of insanity. Human needs affection, love and relationships. This is a truth. Porn addicts are this kind of people who usually find ‘these all' only by watching porn. He may get good pleasure initially because of the chemicals porn produces in his brain. By and by the brain reduces the production of these chemicals. So porn addict need more porn to get the same amount of ‘feel good' chemicals produced in his brain, so he watch more porn, more bizarre porn, more and more porn stops the development of new connections in brain's pre-frontal cortex.
With porn, your intelligence and mental capacity drops each day. This take you to a position you may not like on long run. Please understand and ACT WISE.