Dating -Flirting Is Not Very Easy
It is not about being good, talking decently and showing how mature you are.
Girls do not date guys who just act like a mature man.
You need to have some thing that can make your girl feel that you are a guy of her age.
Dating someone is an art and flirting is a part of it.
Well, you should not just start flirting.
There are some rules that you ought to follow if you want to do it in a perfect way.
It should not look or sound awkward to her.
The first thing is, never start flirting when you have just initiated the conversation.
This might mess upeverything.
When your girl meets you for the first time, she will be under your first impression.
If you start flirting on the very first day, she might feel pissed off.
Start with some decent conversation.
When she starts to feel comfortable with you, you can start; but still, it is not the time to take off.
You need to start slowly.
Gifting her and praising her will work.
Let her feel that you are flirting just for fun, not because you are the kind of guy who likes to do it.
This strategy is the best.
This is how you become a good guy and become a bit smart too.
You have adopted a diplomatic way.
You can not be categorized simply as a good or a bad one.
You are hard to be figured out and that is how you create magic.
Always remember, the day a girl realizes that she has understood you completely, your sweet time is over.
You always have to be mysterious enough so that she can be forced to think about you and only you and that is what a guy needs! Is it not?