How to Get Your Ex Back Using the KISS Method - Read These Tips Right Now
A day back you were the king of the world- happy, satisfied and fulfilled and now you stand depressed, alone, aloof and let down.
Here is a simple method to get things back in control and that is using the KISS method.
KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.
There is a saying, "Situations aren't complicated, it's human beings who are complicated" The human mind is a funny thing, it doesn't necessarily work in ways we believe it does.
There is more to than meets the eye.
So here is what you need to do- keep it simple and easy.
And what do I mean by that.
Agree with the break up Just agree with the break up.
Your relationship is already strained and there is a reason why your ex wants to break up with you.
If you argue and fight, you are only making matters worse and will end up driving your ex further away.
No contact mode Go into a "no contact" mode for some time.
This phase of absence would make things easier for both of you.
The time apart can help heal the wounded heart and clear the bad vibes.
However don't prolong this no contact period because that opens the possibilities of your ex dating others.
Simple, light hearted conversation Make the first contact via email and keep it short and simple.
Don't touch on any negative issues at all, this is not the time for it.
The tone of the email should be light hearted and casual.
The more non-threatening and friendly you make the email, the better are the chances of your ex opening up to you.