Healthy Meal Ideas for a 1 Year Old
- For the most vital meal of the day, feeding your child a balanced meal of organic foods that include whole-grain cereals, fruits and dairy products such as cottage cheese, milk and yogurt are good ideas. Additionally, pancakes, waffles or eggs are classic healthy meals.
- Whole foods (breads and rice) with organic ingredients (vegetables and herbs) make healthy meals for lunches. Try feeding your child handmade favorites such as chicken nuggets, fish sticks and meatballs.
- For dinner, healthy meal ideas include lean meat or fish dishes combined with steamed vegetables and soups. Make your usual table meals child-friendly by being creative in your food presentation.
- Encourage healthy snacking to give your child midday energy boosts. The selection includes a cheese sandwich, milk or fruit-flavored yogurt, English muffins, fruit wedges and whole-wheat bread.
- Experiment with his favorite dishes such as French fries or pasta by using healthy substitutes. Try carrots instead of potatoes and herbed sauces. Try the pureed, blended and mashed fruit, and vegetable tricks taught by children cookbooks to incorporate greens into each meal.
Healthy Snacking