How To Flirt With Women - 3 Closely Guarded Techniques Revealed!
Women love flirting with guys who know what they're doing in that department.
So if your flirting skills consist of saying "Hi" and not much else, you need some help.
If you pay attention to the three closely guarded techniques I'm going to share with you right now, you're going to enjoy a lot more success with women than you're currently having.
Become A Bad Boy Forget about being a nice guy.
Bad boys are where it's at.
Women love bad boys, even though they might say they're looking for a nice guy.
Sometimes women say one thing but do the total opposite.
So if you're not sure about what a woman is actually saying, look closely at her actions.
Women love having excitement, mystery and romance in their lives and believe that bad boys can deliver the goods.
They also want to feel safe when they're out on a date with a guy.
Since bad boys have a reputation for being their own man, a woman will feel safe when she's out with a bad boy.
The last person a woman wants to date is a wimp.
Unfortunately, sometimes women equate nice guys with wimps.
So if you want to know how to flirt with women, try to be more of a bad boy.
Excite Her With Your Unpredictability This tip continues on from being a bad boy.
Women love unpredictability as well as excitement and romance.
Make her wonder if you're going to ask for her phone number when you first meet her - your technique may work so well that she'll end up asking for your number instead! Being unpredictable doesn't mean standing her up at the last minute, though.
There's a fine line between being unpredictable and being unreliable, so don't cross that line.
Have Fun When You Flirt A lot of guys treat flirting as a chore - and then wonder why they're not very successful with women! If you want to know how to flirt with women, then you need to enjoy the actual process.
Have fun talking to her and make sure you enter her personal space - not so close that she can smell your breath, but near enough so you can reach out and touch her jewellery or her bag.
Fun, flirty movements like these are key to a successful flirting technique.
If you incorporate the previous two tips into your flirting attempts, you're sure to get a better response than if you stick to what you're already doing (which obviously isn't working).
These three closely guarded techniques have just shown you how to flirt with women.
So if your own strategies aren't working, why not try these instead? All you need to do is get out there and practice until they become second nature.
Embrace your inner bad boy, become unpredictable and enjoy flirting with beautiful women.
Pretty soon, you're going to be one of those cool guys who definitely knows how to flirt with women!