Some Thoughts on Inner Happiness
Often we hear the term inner happiness; what does that mean exactly? Many have found that inner peace and/or happiness is the key to a fruitful and happy life.
Finding inner peace can be difficult, many find at some point they're desperate enough to do whatever it takes to find happiness; whatever that entails.
The alternative is a life filled with the endless chase of the all elusive phantom of happiness.
The opposite of this inner happiness would be inner sadness or madness.
Looking at why one would suffer from such inner conflict can be broken down into a few different perspectives.
One reason may be the individual had a conscience (which is a good thing), yet they're not living true to that conscience.
They may be living a self-destructive life style or constantly compromising their moral values.
When we live in manner that is not consistent with what we want, or know is good for us, the result is inner conflict or unhappiness.
Another reason may be the individual has not real internal moral compass at all, yet they continue to put themselves in positions to be hurt by others.
Or conversely, they find that they're constantly hurting someone emotionally with their actions.
Not understanding why they keep getting the same reaction can cause intense unhappiness and inner conflict.
The most simple way to look at obtaining inner happiness, is to seek within ourselves to determine what a benchmark for an ideal person or "us" would look like.
In essence, what are the highest ideals we would like to have for ourselves? Once we have determined things such as; be less selfish and more altruistic, become a better worker, etc.
we then have something to strive for.
Keeping in mind that we must not be too hard on ourselves.
Remember we are human and will make mistakes, so take it easy and work on a little bit at a time.
Many of us have that inner voice that is constantly talking back to us.
At times it may be telling us we're not good enough or other negative things.
Learning how to listen to this voice is important in learning what type of relationship we have with ourselves.
If we're truly going to find inner happiness, we must start by building a nurturing relationship with ourselves.
By building a relationship with ourselves first, learning how to love and respect ourselves, we are then better able to love and respect others; which many agree is an important part of finding happiness.
Finding inner peace can be difficult, many find at some point they're desperate enough to do whatever it takes to find happiness; whatever that entails.
The alternative is a life filled with the endless chase of the all elusive phantom of happiness.
The opposite of this inner happiness would be inner sadness or madness.
Looking at why one would suffer from such inner conflict can be broken down into a few different perspectives.
One reason may be the individual had a conscience (which is a good thing), yet they're not living true to that conscience.
They may be living a self-destructive life style or constantly compromising their moral values.
When we live in manner that is not consistent with what we want, or know is good for us, the result is inner conflict or unhappiness.
Another reason may be the individual has not real internal moral compass at all, yet they continue to put themselves in positions to be hurt by others.
Or conversely, they find that they're constantly hurting someone emotionally with their actions.
Not understanding why they keep getting the same reaction can cause intense unhappiness and inner conflict.
The most simple way to look at obtaining inner happiness, is to seek within ourselves to determine what a benchmark for an ideal person or "us" would look like.
In essence, what are the highest ideals we would like to have for ourselves? Once we have determined things such as; be less selfish and more altruistic, become a better worker, etc.
we then have something to strive for.
Keeping in mind that we must not be too hard on ourselves.
Remember we are human and will make mistakes, so take it easy and work on a little bit at a time.
Many of us have that inner voice that is constantly talking back to us.
At times it may be telling us we're not good enough or other negative things.
Learning how to listen to this voice is important in learning what type of relationship we have with ourselves.
If we're truly going to find inner happiness, we must start by building a nurturing relationship with ourselves.
By building a relationship with ourselves first, learning how to love and respect ourselves, we are then better able to love and respect others; which many agree is an important part of finding happiness.