Cold Sore Removal - The Best Way to Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast
If you've ever suffered from a nice, big, cracked cold sore you know there aren't many things that can ruin your day quite as effectively.
They suck.
They're gross.
They're embarrassing.
They hurt like hell.
They just make you feel dirty for some reason.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus.
And although having one doesn't mean you really are dirty, it sure doesn't change the fact that you'll want to get rid of it as soon as humanly possible.
The first choice for many who suffer from cold sores is to make a trip to their doctor.
I think this is a mistake for a couple of reasons.
First, in my opinion most doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers and they'll try to push a variety of different medications on you.
Of course, these medications do nothing to treat the actual cause of your cold sore.
Second, drugs are chemicals and usually come with some interesting side effects that you don't need to be dealing with.
The best way to get rid of cold sores fast is to delve into the world of natural remedies.
This way you can get to the cause of the problem and not just mask it.
Despite what you may have been told, cold sores don't have to keep coming back over and over and over.
It's possible to get rid of cold sore forever if you just use your head a little.
Some great natural antiviral remedies are witch hazel, aloe vera, tea tree oil, echinacea, garlic, and lemon balm.
Any one of these will do the trick, or try a combination to see what works best for your body.
You really don't have to suffer.
All you have to do is make the choice to stop.
They suck.
They're gross.
They're embarrassing.
They hurt like hell.
They just make you feel dirty for some reason.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus.
And although having one doesn't mean you really are dirty, it sure doesn't change the fact that you'll want to get rid of it as soon as humanly possible.
The first choice for many who suffer from cold sores is to make a trip to their doctor.
I think this is a mistake for a couple of reasons.
First, in my opinion most doctors are nothing more than glorified drug dealers and they'll try to push a variety of different medications on you.
Of course, these medications do nothing to treat the actual cause of your cold sore.
Second, drugs are chemicals and usually come with some interesting side effects that you don't need to be dealing with.
The best way to get rid of cold sores fast is to delve into the world of natural remedies.
This way you can get to the cause of the problem and not just mask it.
Despite what you may have been told, cold sores don't have to keep coming back over and over and over.
It's possible to get rid of cold sore forever if you just use your head a little.
Some great natural antiviral remedies are witch hazel, aloe vera, tea tree oil, echinacea, garlic, and lemon balm.
Any one of these will do the trick, or try a combination to see what works best for your body.
You really don't have to suffer.
All you have to do is make the choice to stop.