The Secret of Getting Your Ex to Call You Back - And How to Get Them Back in Just 17 Days!
All of a sudden, someone you loved and adored for years simply disappears from your life.
Many respond to this by phone terrorism - calling their ex fifty times a day, leaving desperate messages on their answering machine and sending dozens of pleading SMSs.
Needless to say, none of this works - which is why in this article, I reveal a secret technique I used to get my own ex to answer the phone when I called - and how I then used it to get her back in just 17 days! First of all, it is important to accept the fact that your ex may not be interested in talking to you for the next week or so.
I know first-hand how painful this is - but if you continue to harass her, you will only succeed in pushing her away even further.
The truth is, the more you contact your ex right now, the less inclined she will be to speak to you - which is why in order to resume contact with your ex, you need to cut it first.
The best way to do it is to initiate the "No Contact" approach and stop any attempts at contacting your ex.
Avoid calling her, "accidentally" bumping into her or checking her Facebook profile all the time.
After about two weeks, your ex will get that uncomfortable feeling of wondering whether she really meant all that much to you.
After all, you were her little emotional toy - and now you're no longer pleading with her.
What went wrong? This is exactly the kind of thing you want her to start thinking - because it will make her more receptive when you finally decide to move in for the kill! After two weeks, give her a call (actually, there's a pretty good chance she'll call you first!).
If she doesn't pick up, try again in a few days, but don't leave more than one missed phone call per day, otherwise you'll appear desperate.
Make sure your caller ID is visible so she knows when you call - that way, you will increase the chance of her calling you back, if only out of genuine curiosity.