The Mind To Body ConnectionNlp In Sport
Coming from an international competitive background of 22 years and 16 years as coach I had learnt a number of techniques which vastly enhanced my competitive capabilities and had sent me soaring past anything I had ever expected to do. The strange thing is that until I studied NLP, everyone thought I was off the wall in my sports rehabilitation practice.
Little did I realize that over those years I was learning the mind body connection and I would be running NLP sport and sport hypnosis courses a few years later. .
As you know, we have our trusty neuro transmitters who are the runners and message carriers to the various parts of the body which we wish to use on a conscious and unconscious level. For the conscious, all the decisions we make to perform any tasks and on an unconscious level, all the necessary functions our body needs to continually perform for us to live and that we are very rarely ever aware of.
So, if we could tap into our unconscious that controls the automatic functions like heart rate and blood flow, breathing etc we could in fact optimize our bodies and therefore create better results on an everyday basis. The only real barriers that we have are those enforced on us by our perception of our reality and what we believe to be our limitations.
Like a man who would believe he could not long jump over 17 meters or another man who believed that his back pain would never go away. So Sport Hypnosis and NLP sport techniques in fact can release those limiting beliefs.
I now have the pleasure of teaching NLP Sport Courses to show others how to use their unconscious to change physical processes like speeding up metabolism, increasing heart rate to produce adrenaline and then step into what is commonly called the Zone that hallowed place of ultimate focus and many other ways to assist us in our normal or competitive lives. I also teach NLP courses in Manchester and the NLP Manchester scene is becoming very active.
So the next time you doubt your ability, think your career is over from injury and lose that motivation, ask yourself if there is another way and look at the possibilities, not the endings. By pure belief and re-programming of the body we can overcome so much if we just try. It wont be the end, it may in fact just be the beginning.
Little did I realize that over those years I was learning the mind body connection and I would be running NLP sport and sport hypnosis courses a few years later. .
As you know, we have our trusty neuro transmitters who are the runners and message carriers to the various parts of the body which we wish to use on a conscious and unconscious level. For the conscious, all the decisions we make to perform any tasks and on an unconscious level, all the necessary functions our body needs to continually perform for us to live and that we are very rarely ever aware of.
So, if we could tap into our unconscious that controls the automatic functions like heart rate and blood flow, breathing etc we could in fact optimize our bodies and therefore create better results on an everyday basis. The only real barriers that we have are those enforced on us by our perception of our reality and what we believe to be our limitations.
Like a man who would believe he could not long jump over 17 meters or another man who believed that his back pain would never go away. So Sport Hypnosis and NLP sport techniques in fact can release those limiting beliefs.
I now have the pleasure of teaching NLP Sport Courses to show others how to use their unconscious to change physical processes like speeding up metabolism, increasing heart rate to produce adrenaline and then step into what is commonly called the Zone that hallowed place of ultimate focus and many other ways to assist us in our normal or competitive lives. I also teach NLP courses in Manchester and the NLP Manchester scene is becoming very active.
So the next time you doubt your ability, think your career is over from injury and lose that motivation, ask yourself if there is another way and look at the possibilities, not the endings. By pure belief and re-programming of the body we can overcome so much if we just try. It wont be the end, it may in fact just be the beginning.