How to Write a Research Paper on Video Games & Aggression
- 1). Research the topic. There are many peer-reviewed articles based on research studies that both support and deny the possible link between video games and aggression. You will need to read a variety of these types of articles that are both relevant and timely. Avoid using articles or resources that are more than five years old. Additionally, avoid using information from blogs or commercial websites. To start, you can search the term "video games and aggression." You will get hits on a number of medical websites, magazines and news articles. Browse these sources to find the names of studies, researchers and academic journals where the studies were originally published. Then you can look up the studies directly to get the most accurate information. Use primary sources whenever possible.
- 2). Write your thesis statement first. The thesis statement should present the reader with the position you are taking on video games and aggression and the top three reasons why. However, the thesis statement should be presented in an objective third person. Your position and the three supports for your position should be based solely on the research you conducted, not on personal opinion.
- 3). Present the arguments. The arguments supporting the position you take on video games and aggression should be presented in the same order you presented them in the thesis statement. Be sure to provide the names of the researchers and a brief description of their study. For example, was the information based on a long-term study following individuals who played video games over a set period of time, or was the information obtained by looking at a sample of individuals labeled as aggressive or violent to see how many of them played video games. If possible, you should provide support from a number of different study types.
- 4). Providing a counter argument is important because it shows the reader that you did look at the research for the opposition to your position. It also provides a more well-rounded look at the topic of video games and aggression, opposed to simply a review of the studies that support one side. The counter argument should also be supported by a relevant and timely peer-reviewed article. Immediately following the counter argument, you provide a rebuttal. The rebuttal refers back to the information you presented earlier to show the reader how the conclusions in the counter argument are incorrect.
- 5). End your paper with a strong concluding paragraph. The conclusion should reiterate the thesis statement in a way that leaves the reader thinking the position you took on video games and aggression is a valid position. It is your last chance to sway the reader.
- 6). Edit and proofread your paper after you complete each draft. While editing, pay close attention to your tone of voice in the paper. Research papers are supposed to be objective, which means you do not want to sound condescending or emotional. If you went into this assignment already having a strong opinion on whether or not there is a link between video games and aggression, you may have let your personal feelings show through the way you wrote. Have another person read the paper, if possible, to provide their opinion on how objective the paper sounds.