Rules for Guys on the 2nd Date
Great! If this text would've been about the first date tips, we would've talked about the first impression, but you've reached to the next date already so your primary aim will be to know each other better.
Don't lead her to the same restaurant, find a different place instead.
That's probably a no-brainer but a different spot doesn't mean just a different restaurant.
Make it different by shifting the activity type from passive to interactive.
Bringing her to a bar, movie theater or Opera, that's a passive activity whilst playing games (try tennis, darts, pool, ping-pong, bowling and more) with her on a date is by all odds interactive.
So you should choose the mutual approach to know her better.
Make her feel comfy.
If you'd have a list with different second date tips for men, this would be the first one.
If she doesn't feel comfortable no other tip will make sense.
So just make her laugh a little bit, she'll feel more cozy.
Prevent uncomfortable moments such as long unnatural gaps in your interaction.
Act naturally and don't try being someone else, it'll be smoother if you do this on your first date also.
Give her the chance to express herself.
After she's comfy enough, she'll easily open up to you.
This is the adequate moment to discover more about her.
Ask her questions but don't use cliché questions (like: "Wanna buy you a drink?" or "Pick you up at half past seven?").
Make innocent jokes in between and answer her questions if any.
Make her feel special.
You're already having fun, laughing and joking so go ahead and tell her little things that women treasure, such as simple references to moments from your past date.
Show her you recall what she told you about herself, she'll like it.
When addressing her, make eye contact.
She'll feel she has your full attention, watching her eyes like that could get her aroused as well but doing it too much could also make her feel irritating so be in control.
Don't assume you're her boyfriend; it won't make her feel unique.
It's the second date so don't pretend as if you're in a relationship with her already.
It's a signal of desperation that you shouldn't be sending live on your second date.
If you've followed the first date tips successfully and you've got yourself an amazing date, don't think she's your girlfriend already.
So go on and learn all these second date tips for men and use them smart.
I wish you luck!