How To Ask A Doctor Online
The website that you choose to ask a doctor online should be one you would feel comfortable with seeking medical attention in the real world. Those that ask you for personal information like your home address, credit card information or Social Security number should not be trusted. A reputable site will be upfront and honest when it comes to the nature of the information provided. For example, a website that posts a disclaimer that the answers and content are for educational purposes and not meant as a replacement for direct physician care more likely than not is one that will give you the type of advice you seek.
Many websites that offer online doctor answer services have most likely already answered your question. Trustworthy websites will have documented and catalogued these queries and responses well, which should make it easy for you to navigate through the archives when searching for your particular answer. If they have not answered an inquiry like yours before, however, you should prepare your question well to ask a doctor online. This will help to ensure you get the gist of your situation across as clearly as possible and in turn, you should receive a clear response.
It is highly recommended when you decide to ask a doctor online about medical problems you may be experiencing that you use the information provided as a tool. This is not a substitution for one-on-one care with a physician. A doctor will be able to better diagnose you in person than anyone could over the internet, no matter how many credentials the professional answering your question online has. While being open to medical advice received over the internet can aid you, being skeptical is suggested as you should not believe everything you read.
Also be wary of what is known as "cyberchondria". This is when a person becomes paranoid when reading medical information and advice that could match their symptoms. Again, only a licensed medical practitioner should be consulted when it comes to your diagnosis. By utilizing the internet as a tool to seek out answers to questions you may have and by using a physician for actual diagnosis, you can be sure to lead a healthy life.