Increasing Penis Size - Frequently Asked Questions About the Best and Worst Methods
I went from a puny 5.
5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around.
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about increasing penis size and which are the best and worst methods.
What is the best way to get a bigger penis fast? The absolute best thing you can do is learn as much as you can about natural penis enlargement -- the kind that involves only your hands -- and take action immediately.
There are dozens upon dozens of natural techniques that are proven to be effective.
Your duty is to learn about them using unbiased sources and determine which work best for your body, then take action and be consistent with it.
Which enlargement methods should I avoid? Anything that involves any kind of external agent, such as pills, pumps, or gadgets.
Those methods do not work, they have not been proven to do anything, and they pose serious safety risks.
Surgery is the only other proven method, and honestly, I would avoid that too considering you just don't need it.
It is not as effective as natural enlargement and it is not worth the costs or risks.
How soon can I gain size with natural methods? If you take action starting today, for example, then by two weeks from today you should start to be able to see and feel that your penis is getting longer and thicker.
From that point on, you will continue to make steady and consistent gains until you reach your target size, at which point you can stop.
All the size you gain is permanent and you and your partner can enjoy it forever.