Types of Honorary Degrees
- Honorary degrees from prestigious institutionscollege"s building image by Leonid Tarassishin from Fotolia.com
For centuries, colleges and universities give honorary degrees to people who have made a significant contribution to society or to the institution itself. Those degrees are designated "honoris causa," which means "for the sake of honor." While most institutions incorporate them with their regular degrees that are earned through courses of study, others do so at other ceremonies where they can laud the recipients appropriately. Each recipient is called on to give a speech, and that often is a highlight of the ceremony. Generally, there are three types of honorary degrees, but some institutions do award such honors as Doctor of the University. - Generally, outstanding citizens that are lawyers, politicians or both can receive this honorary degree, although it has been given to others. Also, this degree can be given to anyone qualified, whether he or she has made a contribution to the sponsoring institution or not. Many colleges and universities abbreviate this title based on its Latin meaning. Therefore, a Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, is LL.D, which stands for Legum Doctor.
- This degree is conferred on those recipients who have made a contribution to the sciences. In the mid 1700s, both the University of Oxford and the University of St. Andrews conferred a Doctorate of Science, honoris causa on Benjamin Franklin for his accomplishments in science. For the remainder of his life, he enjoyed people referring to him at Dr. Franklin.
- There is no equivalent to a Doctor of Humane Letters among those degrees conferred on people who have earned them through courses at the institution. This honorary degree is given to those people who have made significant contributions to either the society or to the humanities. In 2007, Tony Snow was honored with that degree by The Catholic University of America. At his installation, the University's president commented, "For his integrity and dedication as a journalist, public servant, commentator and contributor to the nation's political discourse, The Catholic University of America is proud to bestow upon Robert Anthony Snow the degree Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa."
Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
Doctor of Science, honoris causa
Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa