How to Be Irresistible to a Man
You could be sending the kind of signals that pushes men away instead of pulling them closer.
What are you doing right now that will peak the interest of a quality man? Please give this a lot of thought.
This is critical.
When you are out and about, at work, chatting with girlfriends, doing chores, running errands etc.
, what is your inner dialog about yourself? And just as important, what are the tapes that are playing on the inside of your mind about your experience with men? If you find yourself chatting to your girlfriend and you are constantly telling her that men are jerks or what some guy did to you, then hang up the phone and take a good look in the mirror.
It is not what men are doing to you, it is what you are doing to yourself.
You are demanding LESS from YOU.
Being a good catch means that you get right inside by coming into alignment with what it really means to be a confident and secure woman.
By the way, this has nothing to do with things like a great career or stiletto heels.
It has more to do with being so in tune with you that you don't pull beyond that to accommodate what does not work for you in relationships.
When you are the kind of woman who pulls all of the energy of your female essence towards men, they will line up in numbers to beg for your attention.