How to Fix a Snap on Denim Material
- 1). Cut away any loose snap with sharp fabric scissors. You cannot fix the snap directly on the denim if the fabric has torn or started fraying or unraveling. Cutting away the snap generally leaves a hole in the fabric surface.
- 2). Mend the fabric with a denim iron-on patch by matching the stonewash shade to the patch, sold at most fabric or sewing supply stores. Use a tear mender as another option for torn fabric.
- 3). Place the opened garment flat on your table. For example, if you are fixing a snap from a jacket's center-front opening, referred to as the placket, open the jacket. Align both sides of the torn fabric.
- 4). Cut a piece of the iron-on patch slightly larger than the snap hole for the top and bottom of the fabric. Consult your brand's application instructions. Apply the bottom patch first by gliding the iron for several seconds, and repeat with the top patch. Skip this step if you are working with tear mender.
- 5). Apply tear mender according to your brand's instructions to the torn fabric. Although brands vary, most require you to apply a bead of tear mender along each side of the aligned fabrics, and after waiting the recommended drying time, the fabric fibers bond permanently. Certain brands require a piece of the same fabric to bond the added textile to mend the tear.
- 1). Mark the location for the snap with dressmaker's chalk on each side of the garment. For example, if you are applying a snap on a denim waistband, mark the top side of the fabric and mark the bottom fabric, making sure both markings align. If you skip this step and apply the snaps, it can result in misaligned snap sections and the garment may not close.
- 2). Position a sewing awl on the marking and pierce the fabric. This ensures the denim does not tear when clamping the snap.
- 3). Set the male section of the snap in the appropriate slot of your brand's snap pliers. This tool usually comes as an eyelet and snap tool kit. The male section of the snap generally has a protruding extension at the center of the snap and fits into an open groove on one side of the snap pliers.
- 4). Align the snap with the pierced fabric from Step 2 in this section. Clamp the pliers, forcing the male section through the pierced fabric. If you are working with a two-part snap that has a separate enamel-coated cap and protruding section, position the cap into the pliers' top section opening and the protruding part in the bottom section opening. Clamp the pliers until you hear a click indicating the snap has locked into place.
- 5). Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with the snap's female section, which has a center opening. Clamp the pliers until you hear the click prior to snapping the male section into the female section.
Preparing the Denim Textile
Snap Application