The Omniscient God - " I AM"
To me this is one of the most powerful, amazing and divine attribute of God.
His Omniscient nature very well sets him apart as the supreme Alpha and the Omega.
Come to think of it there is not a single person or spiritual entity in the entire universe who can even boast of such a claim.
There are two things that fascinate me beyond measure; firstly, the concept of eternity (eternal life) and secondly knowing the future ( prophecy ).
Both however are coherently connected with the time factor.
No wonder God always emphasizes on these two as being an identifying mark of his divinity and an undeniable fact of his deity.
The desire to know the future has always captivated the heart of man and in his attempt to do so has sought forbidden occultist methods to achieve this, but to what end? Has anyone been able to know or reveal the future as God has? The answer is quite obvious.
In fact I would unhesitatingly go so far as to boldly say that the ability to know the future is the evident sign of a true and living God, the creator of all things.
The creator is outside the sphere of the created not only in the physical sense but also in the spiritual, which places him beyond the constraints of space and time.
Thus time exists as an entire period all at once without a point of beginning and end but being in the present tense under the all encompassing " I AM".
Quite apparently a difficult notion to grasp from a human standpoint but nevertheless a stark reality of incomprehensible proportion.
" I AM ", in his infinite wisdom, was the name used by God to describe himself to Moses as an representation of his identity.
A name plainly stating his presence not only by overruling the stages of time, namely -the past, and the future but on the contrary dissolving them all into the present.
Thus for God each moment in time is a present tense, including the past and the future.
Stretch this line of thought generously further and you start to get a faint glimpse of how eternity exists for God on both ends of the spectrum - the pointless eternal beginning and the pointless eternal end - as a single point of the constant " I AM".
Fact - God is a spirit.
Fact - God exists irrespective of space, matter and time.
Fact - God created space, matter and time out of nothing.
How can the creator be bound by the created? God is the one and only true living creator of all things and the only supreme being capable of knowing and revealing the future and above all the only one to exist eternally as the great " I AM".