Foods To Eat When Pregnant & Healthy Pregnancy Diet
If there is one time in your life to make sure that you are making healthy food choices and eating the right foods in the right amounts, it is when you are pregnant. With all the hype out there on what you should and shouldn't eat it can be hard to figure out what a healthy pregnancy diet is and what are the proper foods to eat when pregnant. Here we are going to offer a few basics about proper pregnancy nutrition.A healthy pregnancy diet is essential for the development of your growing baby. This type of diet ensures normal fetal growth and development, healthy uterine functions, healthy placenta and amniotic fluid. On the other hand, a poor pregnancy diet increases the possibilities of mortality, miscarriage, low birth weight and a wide range of developmental disorders.First let's get rid of the idea that "diet" means restriction or to lose weight. Medically speaking, the word "diet" simply refers to the foods you eat on a daily basis. In terms of pregnancy nutrition it means that within your list of foods to eat when pregnant, you are going to need to make sure that you are getting enough high quality proteins and dairy, grains and nuts (that have been soaked), fruits and veggies (organic if possible, fresh a definite), bone broths, high quality fat (good fats such as omega 3), filtered water, fish oils and lacto-fermented foods.These types of foods will help ensure that your baby is getting all the nutrients he or she needs. These nutrients include iron, calcium, zinc, B vitamins, copper, magnesium, vitamins A, C and D, folate and cholesterol to name a few. Also, you should be taking prenatal vitamins which will help give an extra boost to the nutrients you are consuming with a healthy pregnancy diet. These vitamins and minerals help with brain development, eye, heart, lung, bone and all other organ and tissue development of the baby.Eating this way will help you gain a healthy amount of weight for your baby and will mean having less to lose after giving birth. Weight gain is an important part of pregnancy and is a natural necessary occurrence. The pregnant mother's body gains weight not only because of the baby's weight but also due to the increased volume of blood, fat storage, increase in muscle size and an increase in size of the breasts as they prepare for milk production. However, the weight gain should be slow and steady with an average pregnancy weight gain ranging from 22 to 32 pounds.Make sure that you are giving your baby a healthy start by staying on top of a healthy pregnancy diet and knowing the foods to eat when pregnant. Right now is the most important time of life for you and your baby. Take the time to learn the facts about what proper pregnancy nutrition and do your best to follow the recommended guide lines.