6 Rules For Getting Your Ex Back
Emotions are everywhere and it can be tough to figure out what's going on and harder to figure out what to do.
When you settle on the definite idea that your want your ex back you should look at the rules before you charge in.
Rushing in immediately isn't a good plan.
Rule #1: Take it Slow.
Acting aggressive will just drive your ex away from you.
Remember they have feelings too and that you'll have to give them the space they need to sort things out.
Smothering your ex may have been one of the reasons the break up happened to begin with.
Rule #2: Change yourself, not anyone else.
You are all you can control so focus on making the changes within yourself to find and figure out the problems that caused the break up to occur, then take steps to fix them.
Rule #3: Don't let anger or sadness hold you back.
You should use these emotions as a source for motivation rather than an obstacle.
Rule #4: If you've made all the necessary changes within yourself and with the relationship and have succeeded in getting your ex back do NOT return to the behavior that caused you two to break up.
Commit to the changes you've made and don't lapse into your old behavior because it becomes hard at times.
Rule #5: Don't let seeing your ex with another person, one that is obviously an interest to them romantically or for sexual interest stop your quest to get them back.
They may be simply having a rebound, though moving on is a possibility.
If they have, indeed, moved on you probably should move on yourself and let them go.
Rule #6: Reasonable limitations.
There's no set time on when it's alright or not alright to pursue your ex.
This has to be reasonable though.
If your ex is engaged to someone else and it's been well over a year then it's time to stop pursuing them and accept that the two of you weren't meant to be together.
Clinging for that long also borders on stalkerish behavior.
These 6 rules are the basics for what you should do on your quest to get your ex back.
NOT doing these things could result that you aren't successful in getting them back for a lot longer than you expected, or not getting them back at all.
There are other factors that depend on your circumstances, but this will provide you an outline to get heading in the right direction.