How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend to Want You Back
Jumping in with both feet and begging her to take you back really isn't going to work, in fact it's probably going to send her running for the hills.
Stalking her and ringing her every day are two other ways that you seem to think will help you win back your ex.
Was the break up your fault? Did you do something which you shouldn't have? Don't be shy here, is you have done something drastically wrong you need to accept the fact that this was your entire fault before you can start to get her back.
I'm not saying that it's always the guys fault, women can be very fussy.
Yes! There are occasions when a woman breaks up with her guy just to see what he'll do to get her back.
There are also times when we break up with men because we do actually know what we want, BUT! The main reason for women to break up with a man is because the relationship seems to be going nowhere.
Women like to see into the future, if you're a guy who likes to go drinking with friends after work instead of coming home for some quality time or, you would rather sit and play computer games rather than have a grown up conversation then you only have yourselves to blame.
A woman wants to feel wanted and special, we like to talk, we like to spend time with you, what we don't like is taking second place.
When was the last time you told her that you loved her (outside of the bedroom)? When was the last time you asked her where she wanted to go at the weekend instead of telling her what you were going to do? Being inconsiderate will get you dumped in a heartbeat, women want a man to be caring and considerate when the need arises, unfortunately most men don't see these signs; some men need them painting on a wall in ten foot high letters.
When you consider how to get your ex girlfriend to want you back, you need to start over, there must have been something which you should have talked about long before you got to this point, so either figure it out or ask her.