Bad Breath Laser Treatment
- Bad breath has many sources, and determining the cause of yours is the first step toward deciding if laser therapy is right for you. The most common source is odorous bacteria caused by food trapped in the teeth, gums or on the tongue. This type is generally well controlled through good dental hygiene. Other causes include the foods that you eat. After food is swallowed and absorbed into the bloodstream, odor from the food is eventually expelled by the lungs. Odorous foods such as onions and garlic can cause bad breath in this way. Of course, after the odorous food completely passes through the body the bad breath will go away. Other causes of halitosis include certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, sinus infections and bronchitis. Another cause can dry mouth resulting from medication. If any of these sources are the cause of your bad breath, laser therapy cannot help you.
Laser therapy treats only halitosis originating in the tonsils. This particular type of halitosis is caused by bacteria clumps called tonsilloliths or tonsil stones, which get caught in tonsil folds called crypts. The treatment works by removing these tonsilloliths and permanently closing the crypts. Since bacteria cannot form in the new scar tissue, the treatment is considered permanent. This type of halitosis is often chronic and severe and cannot be successfully treated through traditional oral hygiene. It should be noted, however, that according to Richard Price of the American Dental Association, only 6 percent of halitosis originates in the tonsils. - Laser treatment for bad breath is quick and simple. Treatments take about 20 minutes. The procedures are usually performed during an office visit. Topical anesthetic is required. Many patients return to their normal routines directly after treatment, though many do report some soreness in the throat. According to Dr. Yosef Krespi, one of the treatment's pioneers, most patients need only one treatment for desired results. The cost of each treatment is around $2,000 according to the New York Daily News.
Type of Halitosis Treated by Lasers
Treatment, Recovery and Price