How to Choose a Drug Treatment Program
For the evaluation of drug treatment programs it is important to keep in mind that everybody has different needs.
So if you are choosing a treatment program, here are some important points that you that you cannot overlook.
Does Program Length Matter? Don't follow the perception that lengthy rehab programs are necessarily effective.
This is not the case.
The two most important factors for successful recovery are communication and support.
So make sure that the rehab program does not only focus on drug abuse but it also addresses the emotional trauma.
Program length also depends on the needs of the patient.
Patients with extreme addiction might take long to open up.
Program Authorization You must make sure that the treatment program is authorized by the government of the state where it is located.
An authorized rehab has licensed therapists and counselors.
Training for rehab counseling is very important because it helps in bridging the communication gap.
Statistical Analysis of the Rehab Program Just go through the statistics of the drug rehab program you are choosing before joining it.
It will give you an idea about the success and failure ratio.
Obviously you must prefer the program, meeting your needs, but the success to failure ratio can tell you how effective the program is.
You can also consult your physician before joining the program.
Services for Relapse Prevention In drug addiction treatment there are high chances that a person might relapse.
So you should look for a rehab center which provides relapse prevention services as well.
Relapse prevention therapies are very effective in strengthening nerves against addiction.
Apart from services you must also have knowledge about different types of rehab programs.
Home Treatment Program This program is a 24/7 treatment and monitoring program.
It is suitable for those patients who are at extreme stages of addiction.
It usually lasts for 3months.
Partial Monitoring Program Patients who are stable should go for Partial Monitoring Program.
This program involves daily inspection and relapse prevention therapies.
It is a short program, and its length depends on the stability of the patient.
Counseling Program Patients who show reluctance towards medication need counseling programs.
Counseling also works for relapse prevention.
The period and schedule of counseling varies with the needs of patients.
It is better to consult your doctor for a rehab program that can meet your needs than choose a wrong program that will only make things worse.
So if you are choosing a treatment program, here are some important points that you that you cannot overlook.
Does Program Length Matter? Don't follow the perception that lengthy rehab programs are necessarily effective.
This is not the case.
The two most important factors for successful recovery are communication and support.
So make sure that the rehab program does not only focus on drug abuse but it also addresses the emotional trauma.
Program length also depends on the needs of the patient.
Patients with extreme addiction might take long to open up.
Program Authorization You must make sure that the treatment program is authorized by the government of the state where it is located.
An authorized rehab has licensed therapists and counselors.
Training for rehab counseling is very important because it helps in bridging the communication gap.
Statistical Analysis of the Rehab Program Just go through the statistics of the drug rehab program you are choosing before joining it.
It will give you an idea about the success and failure ratio.
Obviously you must prefer the program, meeting your needs, but the success to failure ratio can tell you how effective the program is.
You can also consult your physician before joining the program.
Services for Relapse Prevention In drug addiction treatment there are high chances that a person might relapse.
So you should look for a rehab center which provides relapse prevention services as well.
Relapse prevention therapies are very effective in strengthening nerves against addiction.
Apart from services you must also have knowledge about different types of rehab programs.
Home Treatment Program This program is a 24/7 treatment and monitoring program.
It is suitable for those patients who are at extreme stages of addiction.
It usually lasts for 3months.
Partial Monitoring Program Patients who are stable should go for Partial Monitoring Program.
This program involves daily inspection and relapse prevention therapies.
It is a short program, and its length depends on the stability of the patient.
Counseling Program Patients who show reluctance towards medication need counseling programs.
Counseling also works for relapse prevention.
The period and schedule of counseling varies with the needs of patients.
It is better to consult your doctor for a rehab program that can meet your needs than choose a wrong program that will only make things worse.