How to Get Rid of Shirts With a Company Logo
- 1). Sort through your old shirts. Separate obvious throwaways and shirts that will be able to sell. For example, shirts with vintage company logos might interest people who collect memorabilia from that company (think Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other iconic brands.)
- 2). Find a second use for the throwaways. Cut them and use them as garage towels, or make pillowcases from large adult T-shirts. Some people even cut and re-sew old T-shirts for use as pet clothing.
- 3). Put the highest quality shirts on consignment. Consignment shops accept used clothing, sell it and share the profits with the owner.
- 4). Donate your remaining shirts. Agencies such as Amvets, Goodwill and the Salvation Army accept used clothing of good quality. If your shirts are clean and untattered, donate them at a nearby thrift store or drop-off center. If your shirts are damaged, ask the attendant at the drop-off site whether the agency will accept them. It's possible the agency can resell them as bulk. Clothing donations are tax deductible, so make sure to get a receipt for donated items.