How to Transplant Ferns
- 1). Wait until spring to transplant your ferns to give them the most time to adjust to their new locations.
- 2). Water the fern thoroughly the day before you transplant it.
- 3). Work 4 to 8 inches of compost into the soil with a shovel to give the plant plenty of nutrients to grow.
- 4). Dig up the fern with a shovel around dusk or on a cloudy day, as this allows the fern to retain more of its essential moisture. Dig up the fern with a generous ball of its own soil.
- 5). Dig a hole at the new location deep enough to comfortably seat the root ball. The fern should be the same level above the ground as it was before.
- 6). Place the fern in the new hole and firm the soil and compost around the fern's base.
- 7). Water the fern thoroughly.