Ways to Attract a Girl
- Lay off the heavy scents. No matter what a sports deodorant commercial might tell you, most women prefer light scents, like those of natural soap or even the smell of a light sweat. If you feel you must wear cologne, choose a lightly scented one and dab (don't spray) it on each wrist and at your neck. A good rule of thumb: If you have to ask, "is this too much?", the answer is yes.
- Engage in active listening, a technique of really listening to what someone says, as opposed to anxiously waiting your turn to talk again (studygs.net). Take in both what she says and how she says it, and only respond if your response feels appropriate to her mood and words. Men can take up a lot of room in conversation, so give her her space to share her own unique thoughts. Remember, for all you know, she's trying to attract you, too.
- It may seem like a lot of advice about attracting women is about covering up who you really are, but this is simply counter-intuitive. If you're not acting like yourself, you're not going to attract the kind of woman you really want to be with. It's okay to put forth an idealized version of yourself--everyone does when trying to attract a mate. However, no one can keep this up forever, and it's important to not seem as though you've undergone a radical personality change if you do end up dating the object of your affections.