Tips For Picking a Screen Name For Your Online Dating Profile
So how do you decided on a headline? First of all, put a little thought into it. It's "you" captured in ten words or less. Now whether it's good or not is a matter of taste. Not everyone has the same taste and maybe that's a good thing. If your potential date understands what you're saying or gets your sense of humor, that makes her a good potential date. If she looks at your headline and shakes her head, maybe it's just as well if she moves on to her next 95% match. If she doesn't "get you" online, chances are she's not going to get you in the real world either.
You want to make your headline something that people will remember or at least something that's eye catching. You don't want it to be misspelled or grammatically incorrect because then you'll look stupid. You don't want it to be too generic like "Handsome Man Looking for Pretty Woman" or "Seeking Soul Mate." What does the first one say about you other than you consider yourself to be handsome? And aren't all 37 million internet daters looking for a soul mate? Well, a lot of them are.
How about "AngelEyes" or "Tall Trent?" They say nothing at all about the person in the profile except maybe that Trent is tall. Is that enough information to cause you to want to read his profile?
Don't pick something totally out of character. The pretty "girl next door type" who called herself "Sexy Vixen" is still probably wondering why she's getting emails like the ones she's getting! It makes no sense to call yourself "Mr. Fixit" if you don't know which end of a hammer is for hitting a nail.
If you can't think of anything amazingly witty, you can always go for something silly. Pick some song lyrics and a line from one of them as a headline. Pick something random: "There were cabbages today." Huh? You'd read that one wouldn't you?
Don't pick something needy or too sad. "I'm really lonely" is pathetic in oh so many ways. Okay, let's all pick "Fat and Sad." Riiiiiggght. Don't be obnoxious. "Ugly Women Need Not Apply" – well that guy sounds like loads of fun doesn't he? And I bet he looks like George Clooney too, if only in his mind.
The bottom line is this: try to be distinctive, to pick a headline that says something positive about you and something that will catch a potential date's interest. If you can't think of anything right now, just use something inoffensive. You can change your headline every day if you want to. And tomorrow is another day… Hey, that's not bad!