Abundance Is All In Your Head
Have you ever wondered what the super successful like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, and the late Kerry Packer have that you don't in relation to wealth and success? These mega successful icons were not born rich and most of them created their wealth from scratch.
So, did they get a better education than you? Are they better looking than you? Are they smarter than you? Are they luckier than you? Did they know more people than you? What is the distinction between you and these seeming untouchables? Why have they been so successful when 95% of the population struggles their entire lives just to pay the bills and keep from drowning in debt? Level of intelligence is not the key.
If it were, all of our most brilliant scientists, doctors and engineers would be the wealthiest people on the planet.
Although many of them have done alright for themselves, the majority of them could not be counted as amongst the wealthiest in the world.
Information is not the answer.
If it were you could pick up half a dozen books from any number of authorities on a particular subject, study them carefully and become an instant millionaire, or have the relationship of our dreams, or be trim, taught and terrific in weeks based on what you learned, but it doesn't happen.
Level of effort is not it either.
Some of our hardest working members of any community are the poorest financially.
The truth is that a positive mindset is far more important than any of these 3 things, and your patterns of thought are the primary keys to your success in any area of your life.
Having the right mindset and following and applying the right process is the answer to changing your current conditioning and subconscious belief systems.
A Harvard study of some of the most successful businessmen and entrepreneurs revealed that 85% of success is a result of the right mindset.
The results that we are seeing in our lives are a product of whether we have a failure consciousness or a success consciousness.
And the good news is that a failure consciousness can be changed to a success consciousness with the right process and concentration of focus and effort.
Failure consciousness is purely programming that has been installed through adopting the belief systems from those in our environment as a child, and the interpretation and analysis of our thousands of experiences.
In order to change your programming you need to heal your negative physical, emotional and mental conditioning and change your belief systems and perception of events so you no longer respond to the world in the same way as you have been for years.
And EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Sound Healing are two very powerful tools that can help you to do just that.
So the answer to the original questions is: the super successful simply have a different relationship with money and success than you do.
It's just the way their mind works, and in particular their subconscious mind.
And they didn't necessarily have the right subconscious mindset from their early childhood either, but somewhere along the line something triggered fundamental and unshakable beliefs within themselves around money that not only allowed them to create wealth, but meant they couldn't NOT create wealth in their lives.
They are literally hard wired to have money and success and lots of it.
In order to change your results, you need to change your behaviour.
To change your behaviour, you have to change your thoughts and your subconscious programming.
This is easier said than done, however.
It's kind of like upgrading a computer, only the programs already installed are resistant to new information if it doesn't match with the old.
Fortunately we have several very effective tools available to us to assist in this process and make it as efficient and easy as possible.
Two of the ones I like and use the most are EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Sound Healing.
Both of these techniques go to the core of whatever is creating your results and changes them permanently.
It may not be easy, but committing to this process is definitely worth it.
It's your choice.
A life of disappointment and mediocrity, or short term hard work to realize your true potential and live a life of purpose, passion, abundance and freedom.
So, did they get a better education than you? Are they better looking than you? Are they smarter than you? Are they luckier than you? Did they know more people than you? What is the distinction between you and these seeming untouchables? Why have they been so successful when 95% of the population struggles their entire lives just to pay the bills and keep from drowning in debt? Level of intelligence is not the key.
If it were, all of our most brilliant scientists, doctors and engineers would be the wealthiest people on the planet.
Although many of them have done alright for themselves, the majority of them could not be counted as amongst the wealthiest in the world.
Information is not the answer.
If it were you could pick up half a dozen books from any number of authorities on a particular subject, study them carefully and become an instant millionaire, or have the relationship of our dreams, or be trim, taught and terrific in weeks based on what you learned, but it doesn't happen.
Level of effort is not it either.
Some of our hardest working members of any community are the poorest financially.
The truth is that a positive mindset is far more important than any of these 3 things, and your patterns of thought are the primary keys to your success in any area of your life.
Having the right mindset and following and applying the right process is the answer to changing your current conditioning and subconscious belief systems.
A Harvard study of some of the most successful businessmen and entrepreneurs revealed that 85% of success is a result of the right mindset.
The results that we are seeing in our lives are a product of whether we have a failure consciousness or a success consciousness.
And the good news is that a failure consciousness can be changed to a success consciousness with the right process and concentration of focus and effort.
Failure consciousness is purely programming that has been installed through adopting the belief systems from those in our environment as a child, and the interpretation and analysis of our thousands of experiences.
In order to change your programming you need to heal your negative physical, emotional and mental conditioning and change your belief systems and perception of events so you no longer respond to the world in the same way as you have been for years.
And EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Sound Healing are two very powerful tools that can help you to do just that.
So the answer to the original questions is: the super successful simply have a different relationship with money and success than you do.
It's just the way their mind works, and in particular their subconscious mind.
And they didn't necessarily have the right subconscious mindset from their early childhood either, but somewhere along the line something triggered fundamental and unshakable beliefs within themselves around money that not only allowed them to create wealth, but meant they couldn't NOT create wealth in their lives.
They are literally hard wired to have money and success and lots of it.
In order to change your results, you need to change your behaviour.
To change your behaviour, you have to change your thoughts and your subconscious programming.
This is easier said than done, however.
It's kind of like upgrading a computer, only the programs already installed are resistant to new information if it doesn't match with the old.
Fortunately we have several very effective tools available to us to assist in this process and make it as efficient and easy as possible.
Two of the ones I like and use the most are EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Sound Healing.
Both of these techniques go to the core of whatever is creating your results and changes them permanently.
It may not be easy, but committing to this process is definitely worth it.
It's your choice.
A life of disappointment and mediocrity, or short term hard work to realize your true potential and live a life of purpose, passion, abundance and freedom.