Instructions for Knitting a Baby Blanket With Provo Craft Knifty Knitter
- 1). Pick your baby blanket's colors and decide if you want to make it with squares, long panels or both. Design your quilt using paper and colored pencil or simply buy a pattern. Decide how many squares of what color you will need, and their measurements.
- 2). Determine how much yarn you will need. This will depend on the kind and weight of yarn are you using and how tight or loose you knit. If you have a pattern, you can check yardage. Check the skein on how many yards are in the skein. Buy an extra skein of yarn of each color so you will have yarn of the same lot number in case you run out, otherwise the colors may be subtly different. You can return full skeins you don't use if you like.
- 3). Knifty Knitters are generally round or oval so you can knit circular items such as hats and sleeves. To knit a flat square, knit only part of the circumference of your knitter. The more spikes on your Knifty Knitter you use, the larger your square.
- 4). Arrange your finished knitted pieces into the pattern you designed, or as your pattern instructs.
- 5). Lay your panels on a flat surface. Thread your yarn needle with a double strand. Do not tie the end. Stitch sections together with a mattress seam. It produces a neat, flat seam that is barely visible. Weave the needle through the center of the first stitch of your first square or panel, then across to the center stitch of the adjoining piece. Continue stitching keeping the yarn taut. Tie a square knot at the end of the seam. Snip the yarn leaving a 2-inch tail. Weave the tail into the blanket