Video: How to Create Art on Canvas Shoes
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Patty Fernandez and I'm an art teacher. Today's activity is how to create art on canvas shoes. Before we do anything let's go through our materials because they're kind of intense. First off, you need a pair of tennis shoes or some kind of canvas shoe that you can draw on. You're going to be drawing using a Sharpie or a permanent marker. The paints that we're using are going to be fabric paints that you can get at any hobby shop and I usually use a skinny brush so that I can get my details in. You're going to need a plastic coated paper plate because we're going to mix color a little bit with some water and a little bit of water, you don't need a full cup. So those are basically your materials and we're ready to begin drawing. Okay when you start your drawing, be conscious of exactly where your shoe is. So what I'm going to do with my marker is right about here, I'm going to draw some paw prints, that's a circle and some baby circles. It can't get much easier than that. Okay, now I take my paint and on my plastic coated plate I'm going to take just a drop, you don't need a lot but you can tell it's kind of gooey. So I'm going to take my brush, dip it in the water, mix it into the color and see if I can get it a little bit thinner. You don't want it too thin because then it runs but you don't want it too thick because then it's as if you were painting with Gummy Bears. Okay, so this looks like it's ready. I hold my shoe and I work the paint on the inside part of the design. If you're doing this with children, your best bet is to use a bold design so that the whole entire project goes easier. If you get too many little drawings, nobody wants to finish little drawings, okay. Now I just do my paw nails and you'll notice that you kind of have to work the paint into the canvas because now you're painting on canvas, you're not painting on paper. It goes fast but what you also need to remember is let it dry. So do your base coats first, then come back and do your details. My name is Patty Fernandez. Visit my website and I'll see you later.